Mars Retrograde - September 9, 2020 to November 13, 2020

I previously wrote about the transit of Mars in Aries which included the retrograde period but there is some more important information about this retrograde I would like to share. When Mars, the planet of boundary setting, action, passion and courage goes retrograde the normal outward moving action of Mars is slowed down, turned inward and can provide like all retrogrades a time when reflection and insights are possible. It is a time to plan more, figure out what you truly desire, in any facet of your life, and also look at how you use your drive, passion and will. How you react or respond under stress, exert personal power and set boundaries. Similar to Mercury retrograde it is not a time to start new projects, make large purchases or begin or end relationships if possible. Additionally with Mars retrograde it’s advised to not push yourself too hard physically or take on new physical challenges. There are times when you have to follow through on things that may have been set up previously. In that case use your will and take actions with real awareness and care, especially if things seem stuck or challenging so that you have the best outcome.

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