Mercury Retrograde in Cancer - June 17, 2020


Mercury stations retrograde in Cancer today until July 12th giving us the yellow light to slow down and go back over anything that needs attention, planning or completion.

The water sign of Cancer is aligned with home, family and nurturing. Ruled by the Moon happiness and emotional well-being are part of what this retrograde period offers. With an abundance of healing energy we are invited to look at how we care for ourselves and others. These next 3-4 weeks are a fertile time to develop or strengthen health routines, enjoyment and relaxation as well as clean out, organize and make our living space more inviting or comfortable. Anything that supports self-care and care of others.

This retrograde also provides fertile ground for us to continue to have important conversations with family and loved ones about the world we live in, the devastation of racism, inequality and injustice and the pandemic and economic challenges we are still in the midst of. It’s necessary to honestly look at all parts of what needs change before we can change it. With the sensitivity of Cancer there is a greater chance we can break down old barriers, deepen empathy with love and find greater understanding.

Any major decisions, especially in love, or large purchases such as searching for a new home or electronics needs to be carefully thought through. If at all possible spend this retrograde seeking out all your options, gathering every detail. Spend time thinking and going over how you feel. Talk, listen and share ideas and if possible, wait until after Mercury stations direct before taking action. If you’re not able to wait and need to make a decision, take extra time with everything. Have a checklist and go over all details and make sure that all parties understand everything fully and backup all work and information electronically.

During this retrograde phase deep held memories will swim within and old loves may resurface to have one more conversation or connection. Take the time to sort out and understand what or who needs to be released or held onto, but wait until Mercury stations direct in July to set anything in motion.