New Moon in Scorpio - November 15, 2020

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The New Moon represents the end of one lunar phase and the beginning of the next. With our heart as our guide we have the opportunity for renewal and recharge and the sign of the New Moon shapes the emotional pulse during this phase. In the sign of Scorpio getting started requires a deep dive into our soul…..

Scorpio is a fixed water sign that takes us down into the realm of instinct where powerful human experience pushes us to the sharp edge of emotions. Emotional honesty and healthy skepticism are valuable allies in Scorpio’s need to know the truth. Peering into the complex, hidden aspects within Scorpio compels us to face our personal reality and wrestle with our personal pain that seeks healing.

The closest and most important aspect to this Moon is a supportive and stimulating sextile with Jupiter in Capricorn conjunct Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) in Capricorn offering hope and opportunity for meaningful growth that becomes part of the greater good.   Neptune in Pisces in a supportive trine with the New Moon deepens intuition, increases compassion and inspires creative visions for your future. This gentle energy has the potential to soften some of the emotional storminess of this Moon, while still supporting an honest and cathartic process; with ourselves and with others. 

Mercury also in Scorpio and now direct compels us to reveal any held back feelings and needs. This honest sharing can be deeply cathartic and create greater intimacy in your relationships. Mars in Aries also now direct sets in motion our independent focused efforts these past 2 months. Venus in Libra highlights cooperation with others; family, friends, business or in love. This opposition reveals the value in balance between individual needs and the needs of your relationships. Both are important.

There is something deep, primal and powerful within us all and this New Moon offers us the opportunity to dig deep and engage with this energy. To have hope as we look into the dark and with our will, come to terms with it and forge something meaningful and healing out of it.

With the backdrop of a world out of balance, people divided and dramatic changes there are many challenges we are facing. In acknowledging our collective and personal uncertainty, fears and pain directly we have a greater opportunity for initiating something better. Armed with courage and optimism we can envision a new beginning that we create. That we can be better, we can choose love and we can begin to heal.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Scorpio falls into your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Many Blessings!

Be Well ~ Be Safe ~ Be Love
