New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra - October 14, 2023, 1:56 PM, EDT

With the Sun now in Libra, the varying light and temperature reflects the weather of this new season. Dramatically adding to this seasonal shift is the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Libra, the first of the last two eclipses of 2023; an annular eclipse that blocks most of the Sun, creating a dramatic ring of fire that brings lasting effects in our lives. As we set intentions in quiet contemplation of Libra’s celestial realm of beauty, balance and harmony, this powerful Solar Eclipse creates a dynamic cosmic opening for a leap in consciousness, a pause in the light that resets our personal sense of self, our identity and our partnerships. 

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New Moon in Libra - October 6, 2021, 7:06 AM, EDT

October begins with 6 planets in deep reflection and review with Mercury’s recent retrograde in Libra. This line up of cosmic teachers has given us a period of time to re-evaluate and go back over many of our most meaningful and serious life concerns, big dreams and endeavors. With a great deal of inward focus, the New Moon in Libra signals a time of renewal and setting intentions that center around beauty, balance and peace within and in our outer world and very importantly, relationships of all kinds.

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New Moon in Libra - October 16, 2020, 3:32 PM, EDT

As the light of the Moon disappears, one cycle ends and another begins. Peering into our depths, we discover the truth of who we are, what we desire, encouraging us to lovingly nurture a growing vision. Big or small, personal or worldly, claim your right to begin anew in whatever manner that feeds your faith in life and hope for another day.

During this New Moon, the Sun and Moon fuse in lovely Libra activating thoughts and feelings around relationships and our human need for beauty, harmony and balance. The symbol of the scales, Libra has a natural sense of fairness and cooperation; taking others into account which is essential during this Moon phase that brings striking challenges as well as underlying support and grace.

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