Blue Full Moon in Taurus - October 31, 2020, 10:49 AM EDP

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October 2020 began with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and ends with a second Full Moon called a Blue Moon on the 31st, the date of Samhain and Halloween. This event happens approximately every 19 years making this October 31st Blue Full Moon in Taurus quite unusual. As the light of this Full Moon rises in the autumn night sky, emotions build and the energy of mystery, magic and change fills the senses.  

Taurus, an earth sign seeks serenity through healthy stable relationships, developed skills and the basics of life that support survival and comfort. Taurus needs consistency which if taken too far leads to fear of change and becoming stuck in a rut. Opposing the Moon is the Sun in Scorpio, a water sign that seeks depth through embracing the taboo material of life. Intense, probing and often uncomfortably honest Scorpio searches for truth.  

This powerful opposition between Scorpio and Taurus shines a bright light of awareness of needed balance between the deep, intense emotions and experiences that are transforming us to our very core; with the beauty and restoration that is possible when we slow down, find our inner calm and grounding so that we are able to get in touch with our basic needs, natural rhythms and senses.  Oppositions do create tension, but the key and the gift is to find common ground between these two very different energies.  

Uranus the planet of change and individuality, is also in Taurus and tightly conjuncts the Moon creating unpredictability and added tension to the slow and steady expression of Taurus that dislikes change. Uranus awakens us to who we truly are and during this Moon phase which is connected to your heart and emotional well-being, you may experience a sudden change of heart that feels unsettling but is necessary for continued authentic growth. 

Venus, the ruler of Taurus is in the sign of Libra, highlighting issues around relationships, money and comfort. Mercury retrograde also in Libra activates thoughtful reflection and conversation with others that may become serious and difficult due to an imposing square with Saturn in Capricorn requiring honesty, responsibility and integrity.  

Neptune in Pisces sends a wave of inspiration that excites the desire for growth and meaningful accomplishment. Remember, Neptune can inspire as well as confuse and this aspect of exciting potential could lead to excessive impulsiveness. Work mindfully with intuition for your highest good. 

The Full Moon intensifies emotions with a sense of knowing that closure and release or committing to something or someone with a full heart is imminent. With Uranus so tightly bound with this Moon there may be sudden shifts that have to be dealt with but be careful of making major life decisions too quickly, especially concerning your heart and resources which include finances. Remember that Mercury in Libra is retrograde; a time to consider others, weigh your options, think and talk things through and as much as you’re able to, move forward after Mercury stations direct. 

In midst of unprecedented times full of dramatic change the Moon remains true to her cycles, reminding us of our heart connection to nature and the cosmos. Pulling us within to our need for emotional well-being and happiness. On this Blue Full Moon magical moonlit night work with earth energy and ground yourself through body, mind, and spirit connection that awakens you to a new found sense of inner serenity and security within. And on a night where it’s believed the veil between the physical and spiritual realm thins, may your intuition deepen becoming the bridge of connection to loved ones and ancestors on the other side. 

If you would like to know the house within your birthchart that this Blue Full Moon in Taurus falls into, please send me your birth information. I would need your date of birth mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible), and city and state of birth. Or if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

Be Safe ~ Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings 
