Autumnal Equinox - September 22, 2020


Today on the Autumnal Equinox when the light and dark, day and night are in equal measure, I feel my connection to nature, to the cycles that we are part of. Today is a good day to reflect upon balance. That in the fluidity of life we have times where we are delicately poised in readiness for a shift in awareness. For the next season of the cycle.

In the northern hemisphere we begin autumn where we move into longer nights, a time of going within and reflecting upon our current footing in our journey. In the southern hemisphere spring begins with a budding sense of hope, growth and renewal.

Today the Sun enters Libra an air sign of elevated ideals that seeks peace through experiences of beauty, harmony and balance. Many of these experiences revolve around others as Libra is the sign most associated with relationships of all kinds. Taking others into consideration Libra’s high expression is one of honest negotiation, cooperation and finding an outcome that supports everyone. With a strong need for harmony in relationships and life experiences, be mindful of Libra’s shadow where necessary conflicts are avoided and indecision undermines constructive action.

Today with deep awareness I appreciate my relationships with loved ones as well as the relationship with myself. They all require attention, honesty and love. Today, my work, my meditation, my commitment is to cultivate greater balance, beauty and peace within myself and my life and bring that to others.