Super Full Moon in Aquarius - Thursday, August 11, 2022, 9:37 PM, EDT

During this Leo season, big, bold, dramatic energies abound that will reach a peak during this last Super Moon of the year. Looming large and beautiful this Full Moon in Aquarius illuminates our need to release what we’ve outgrown or undermines our intentions and challenges us to continue to innovate and build. To forge the personal path and collective vision that may not always be understood or supported, but deep within, we know is right for us.

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Full Moon in Aquarius - August 22, 2021, 8:30 AM, EDT

A second Full Moon in Aquarius rises in the night sky as we approach the end of August, illuminating our thoughts and feelings around a certain issue or area of life that we have been engaged with for some time and that now needs a level of action or commitment; one way or the other. At 29 degrees, 38 minutes of Aquarius, hope looms large and we are finally ready to step out of our comfort zone. It’s time to release old perspectives and patterns and expand into a new vision for ourselves and humankind.

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Full Moon in Aquarius - July 23, 2021, 10:38 PM EDT

As we begin Leo season with the first of two consecutive Aquarius Full Moons we are reminded that 2021 holds a strong Aquarian signature that began with the Great Conjunction of December 21, 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn merged just under the 1st degree of Aquarius. With this current Full Moon just over the 1st degree of Aquarius strong emotional realizations arise concerning our happiness, freedom, individuality and our collective human condition.

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Full Moon in Aquarius - August 3, 2020 11:59 AM EDT

The Full Moon in Aquarius expands our awareness and pushes our boundaries. Innovative thoughts and feelings loom large, as we have moments of clarity about a situation, a person, or ourselves. In seeing the full scope of something, we feel compelled to make decisions that move us forward.

What we previously began at the New Moon in Cancer has grown to a point where we reach completion, begin to ease up, let go or welcome the next step. Mercury will be in the last degrees of Cancer during this Full Moon phase which may create hesitation in vulnerable conversations, but also brings out empathy, supporting emotional safety to speak honestly.

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