Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini-November 30, 2020 4:31AM EST

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse.jpg

We are now in Sagittarius season, a time when the Sun shines rays of hope that lift us and feed our spirit. We have also entered eclipse season with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini where growing awareness requires emotional flexibility. 

All Full Moons occur when the Sun and Moon oppose each other and the Moon reaches its peak of light and lunar influence upon us. At the highest point of the Moon cycle, emotions intensify and realizations surface providing clarity about our feelings, relationships, situations, or direction. This phase brings the Moon in Gemini opposite the Sun in Sagittarius.

Gemini is the sign of The Twins, curious, communicative and looks at both sides of everything. With mental flexibility, Gemini gathers information, compares notes and remains open to new data that helps form the whole story. Sagittarius seeks understanding of life’s meaning through adventurous experiences, higher teachings and worldly knowledge where systems of belief are formed that guide individuals and the collective.

Change is necessary for Gemini who thrives on varied life experiences and endless possibilities. However, keep in mind that too many choices or erratic shifts can lead to loss of direction, overwhelm and mental exhaustion. And be aware of the darker side of Gemini which occurs when words and ideas are rearranged, shared and believed as truth when in fact, they’re not. This opposition creates tension and awareness between information and personal belief that will be part of the dialogue.

Lunar Eclipses are extra powerful Full Moons that pass through some portion of Earth’s shadow. This is a penumbral eclipse where there will be a slight shadow on the face of the Moon. Eclipses signal change and emotional release; the cosmic version of a reboot. During this phase (and over a few months) changes will occur providing openings for accelerated soul growth in ways we may not have anticipated, but need. If possible, keep track of significant changes to understand the bigger picture.

Mercury the planet that rules Gemini is in the sign of Scorpio requiring deep thought and mental focus.  Forming a supportive sextile with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, Mercury sets the tone and activates serious conversations concerning larger goals and life issues that call for radical honesty. Uranus in Taurus opposing Venus in Scorpio creates tension and potential changes around love and money.

Something within us is ready for a significant shift and this Lunar Eclipse gives us the opportunity for a breakthrough in communication and meaningful change during a time of unprecedented uncertainty. This reset prompts us to release old patterns of thought, emotional reactions and beliefs that no longer serve our lives and choose mind and heart responses that support our personal and collective evolution. Work with the energy of The Twins. Remain open minded and listen to others with an open heart. If the time seems right, share your feelings about what matters to you.  Compare ideas and beliefs and look for areas of mutual understanding.  Invest in creating more love and authenticity in your relationships that support honest healthy conversation and prepare to make a leap of consciousness to greater adaptability, emotional resiliency and healing.

If you would like to know the house within your birthchart that this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini falls into, please send me your birth information. I would need your date of birth mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible), and city and state of birth. Or if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at dksleo13@talkingskyastrology.com.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings
