New Moon in Leo - August 18, 2020, 10:42 PM, EDT

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The New Moon is a cosmic invitation to reset. To start over or turn a new page. In the dark night consciousness turns inward, our intuition expands and feelings of possibility and progress call us forward. In the fire sign of Leo self-expression and creative forces are part of what gives this New Moon life.

A fixed fire sign, Leo is ruled by the Sun, which in astrology, represents the identity or sense of “Self.” Leo is active, loyal, dramatic and stubborn and finds natural expression through creativity, leadership, and play. The joy of self-expression that receives appreciation is essential to Leo’s wellbeing.

The shadow of Leo is excessive self-absorption and drama that draws attention and speaks loudly, “It’s all about me.” And although New Moon energy normally isn’t as intense as Full Moons, this lunar phase does hold the potential for big, sweeping emotions.  

This Moon is supercharged with additional cosmic energies, starting with a close trine with Mars in Aries that floods our feelings with courage and determination to overcome fears and intentionally envision our desires. At the same time, Mars in Aries also squares the triple conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto all retrograde in the sign of Capricorn causing us to go back over and reflect upon the bigger picture of our lives. The ways that we individually and collectively are experiencing this transformative time that feels challenging.

Consider where, how and why you are motivated to take action. Although it can be very easy during these times of great change and uncertainty to become fired up over various situations it’s very important to use your energy wisely for meaningful, personal evolution.

Mercury in Leo snug up against the New Moon insures there will be big ideas, lively conversations and emotional self-expression that energizes or goes way over the top and out of control especially if frustrated or angry.  Be aware of your feelings as you interact with others so that your process during this lunar phase is effective for setting intentions that feed your inner light and who you are.

The South Node in Sagittarius trines the Moon making it easy to hold onto old beliefs that can harm more than help if expressed in a rigid or careless manner. The North Node in Gemini invigorates the Moon with open ended conversation exploring and comparing various viewpoints. Just be aware you can become scattered. Align the ideas and connect the dots that lead you in the direction of your dreams.

How would you describe your Self?  How would you like to see your Self? What makes you feel alive? This Moon gives us the opportunity to re-imagine who we are and how we live life. Open your heart and mind to new measures of joy and shine your light. Be bold, courageous and paint your vision in living color in trust that it will find its right place under the Sun.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Leo falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
