Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - October 28, 2023, 4:24 PM, EDT

Scorpio season is here and the solar power of introspection and transformation compels us to confront our shadows. Increasing the magnitude of cosmic energy is the Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last eclipse of 2023 and the Taurus/Scorpio cycle.

As the light of the Full Moon dims a dusky red, emotional awareness grows and pauses, we’ve been here before and now are ready to make another evolutionary shift. Issues regarding security, stability, resources and relationships continue as well as fears around change and feeling stuck. However, we have reached a cosmic crossroad where purging old and limiting karmic stories and stormy perspectives is necessary.

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Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 8, 2022, 6:03 AM EST

Halfway through Scorpio season, the time of year we are cosmically called to do our own shadow work, the night sky is beautifully illuminated with the red hue of the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last eclipse of 2022. Magnifying our emotions and issues around building security and maintaining our serenity, as the light of the Moon dims, this powerful eclipse reveals what is hidden or being avoided that keeps us stuck, providing the push we need to face these shadows, address them honestly and assess what needs to be released.

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Blue Full Moon in Taurus - October 31, 2020, 10:49 AM EDP

October 2020 began with a fiery Full Moon in Aries on the 1st and ends with a second Full Moon called a Blue Moon on the 31st, the date of Samhain and Halloween. This event happens approximately every 19 years making this October 31st Blue Full Moon in Taurus quite unusual. As the light of this Full Moon rises in the autumn night sky, emotions build and the energy of mystery, magic and change fills the senses.

Taurus, an earth sign seeks serenity through healthy stable relationships, developed skills and the basics of life that support survival and comfort. Taurus needs consistency which if taken too far leads to fear of change and becoming stuck in a rut. Opposing the Moon is the Sun in Scorpio, a water sign that seeks depth through embracing the taboo material of life. Intense, probing and often uncomfortably honest Scorpio searches for truth.

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