Full Moon in Aries and Mars squares Saturn


This week began with Saturn in Capricorn stationing direct on September 28th, grading us on how well we laid the foundation for what we consider our “great work” or most meaningful goals. Now in forward motion Saturn requires continued discipline, commitment and effort to keep our vision strong and steady. With Mars retrograde in Aries, tightly squaring Saturn through the week, our intentions are deeply challenged through the slower movement of Mars.

As Mercury in Libra is in the shadow phase of its upcoming retrograde mid-October, communication begins to tangle and the days leading up to the Full Moon can feel quite difficult.  Use this time to review your plans and strategies, and take heart; there is an opening up ahead during the Full Moon in Aries.

October will show itself to be a month of powerful astrology shifts that begins and ends with a double dose of Full Moon Magic. The first Full Moon is October 1st in Aries the Ram, fierce and determined, intensifying a range of emotions that set our heart on fire. Our deepest feelings that illuminate what is ready to be seen and dealt with.

Chiron the Wounded Healer, also in Aries sits close by the Moon and is part of the opposition with the Sun in Libra bringing to the surface painful issues around independence, fear and courage, anger and passion and how these affect our interactions with others.  

Challenges can occur due to Aries quick temper that provokes hurt feelings and Libra’s tendency to avoid conflict that leads nowhere. Individual needs vs relationship needs may clash and require emotional courage and honest sharing to find common ground and the best outcome. Speak from your heart!

Mars the ruler of this Moon is retrograde in the sign of Aries and squares Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. This aspect will feel quite challenging and requires focused action and endurance that strengthens your discipline, commitment and continued effort in realizing your most meaningful goals. Be aware of frustration, misplaced anger or moving too fast creating bigger problems that undermine your efforts and if you sense things becoming overly intense, ease up or step away. This is not the time to blindly push yourself or others when great resistance rises up. Think about your desired outcome and with courage make wise choices and take appropriate action for yourself and others.

A beacon of hope, Jupiter in Capricorn in a compelling square with the Full Moon and Chiron offers a welcome doorway of opportunity where we can address our personal wounds and fears and courageously align ourselves with our greatest dreams. Where strategy, vision and growth is purposefully cultivated giving us the necessary tools to become the best version of ourselves and make the strongest leap of faith into our future.

If you’re interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Aries falls in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
