Now in this New Year, Capricorn season motivates us with revived discipline and intent, to set goals and begin a new chapter of life. However, with high expectations many of our plans are abandoned because we lose sight of what’s actually needed to meet our goals. Offering cosmic support, the nurturing glow of the first Full Moon of 2025, the Cancer Full Moon illuminates the emotional undercurrents of our lives, calling us to step out of our comfort zone and embrace what truly matters to each of us.
Read moreNew Moon in Capricorn - December 30, 2024, 5:28 PM, EST
After the Solstice on December 21st and the changing of the seasons, the Sun aligns with the Moon in the industrious light of Capricorn, the last New Moon of this year. A time of new beginnings at the end of 2024, the New Moon in Capricorn is a cosmic moment of honest emotional reflection, calling us to become the architect of our lives and determine what we want to establish that holds the potential to become something meaningful, solid and stand the test of time.
Read moreNew Moon in Capricorn - January 11, 2024 , 6:57 AM, EST
At the beginning of every New Year, the Sun shines bright in the sign of Capricorn, stirring up thoughts and desires to do better than last year. Increasing this feeling of fresh starts and making improvements is the first New Moon of 2024. As the Moon aligns with the Sun in steadfast Capricorn, it sets a cosmic tone of focused determination to realistically define our ambitions and with strategic planning and earnest efforts lay the groundwork for realizing our most meaningful goals.
Read moreFull Moon in Cancer - December 26, 2023, 7:34 PM, EST
As we finish up this year in the sign of Capricorn, the last full moon of 2023 deepens our emotional awareness. Rising in the night sky, the illuminating light of the Full Moon in Cancer reveals our current mood and personal needs for connection and belonging, a sense of home and family that is heightened by this holiday season. Within this awareness we have come to a point where to continue our journey of soul growth, our heart needs to release old and limiting fears and open further to life.
Read moreFull Moon in Cancer - January 6, 2023, 6:08 PM EST
Welcome 2023! Just days into the New Year the most sensitive of Moons, the Full Moon in Cancer rises in the night sky. Symbolized by the Crab, whose hard shell and sharp claws protects the tender inner flesh, the sign of Cancer has similar instincts. Naturally oriented to home and family Cancer is protective of loved ones as well as themselves and often with a fierceness that belies the tender nature of this water sign. As the lunar energy grows our emotional barometer is amplified, compelling us to pay attention to our feelings and personal connections as we also navigate real life Capricorn season responsibilities and ambitions.
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