New Moon in Leo - August 4, 2024, 7:13 AM, EDT

Leo season is the time of year where the life giving essence of the Sun radiates powerfully in its own sign. Aligned with this fiery solar light is lovely Luna forming the New Moon in Leo. Stirring us with profound emotions, we are called to reflect upon our self-perception, our presence in the world and the gifts we have to share. With an abundance of encouragement for us to take up space and step into the spotlight, this upbeat lunar phase of new beginnings charges us to shine our light on those around us, and to share our unique gifts with unabashed enthusiasm.

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New Moon in Leo - August 8, 2021, 9:51 AM EDT

The life-giving power of the Sun is the signature of Leo Season and the upcoming New Moon. Our hearts are inspired to reset and start again by the majestic energy of Leo, calling us to express who we are in some area of life that needs our solar energy. As you plant your seeds for new beginnings trust that when you show up authentically and be yourself your light is the pathway for future growth and happiness.

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