New Moon in Virgo - September 2, 2024, 9:55 PM, EDT

After the playful vitality of Leo season, the Sun in Virgo’s commonsense energy carries us into September, helping us navigate any post-shadow glitches of Mercury’s recent retrograde with careful scrutiny. Adding to this season of practicality is the New Moon in Virgo, urging us to clean the slate and begin again; to refine our routines, bring order to chaos and see the magic in the mundane. It's a heartfelt call for self-improvement and selfless acts of service with competence, compassion and patience.

Virgo, an earth sign is symbolized by the Maiden, an archetype of virtue, wisdom, devotion and discernment, striving for perfection. This unattainable pursuit often promotes Virgo’s shadow of excessive and damaging self-judgement.

Ruled by Mercury, Virgo adds an element of critical thinking to this Moon phase. Now in the sign of Leo, Mercury brings a unique blend of precision and boldness, where thoughts are enhanced with the meticulous nature of Virgo and the radiant self-expression of Leo, creating lively and productive conversations.

In a potent aspect with this Moon, Jupiter in Gemini creates tension between efficiency and expansion. The Virgo Moon’s thorough nature seeks emotional clarity and order in setting intentions while Jupiter in Gemini brings an abundance of optimism ready to explore a wide variety of possibilities. This aspect challenges us to be mindful of overextending ourselves that prevents us from defining our current needs for our future wellbeing. By integrating and embracing the growth that comes from broader horizons and firmly following a strategic plan, we’re able to stay grounded in our goals.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces increases awareness around meaningful dreams and creative ideas, that personal growth often requires both structure and surrender. When we consciously combine the pragmatic mindset and practices of Virgo with the spiritual wisdom and discipline of Saturn in Pisces, inspiration feeds the rich potential of this lunar phase that serves us as well as others

Additional cosmic input occurs on September 1, 2024 with Uranus in Taurus stationing retrograde and Pluto retrograde re-entering Capricorn for the last time before fully entering Aquarius in November.

With Uranus in Taurus now retrograde during the New Moon in Virgo, the necessity for a cosmic pause in our quest for radical change and material security is here. Uranus, the planet of disruption and innovation, has been shaking the foundations of what we value and how we sustain ourselves. Now, in retrograde motion, it asks us to reconsider the shifts we've experienced, urging us to integrate these changes more deeply and to align them with our true values. This is a time to slow down, reevaluate, and let the earth beneath our feet settle.

Pluto’s retrograde journey through Capricorn has been a relentless excavation of power and authority, individually and collectively. Intensifying the call for transformation we are asked to confront the remnants of old systems and beliefs that no longer serve us.

As we thoughtfully contemplate the next chapter of our lives, with all of the outer planets now retrograde, there is wisdom and guidance in considering where we’ve been, what truly matters to us and what we have, or have not accomplished so far. Authenticity, integrating change, and our personal and collective integrity come into play during this time. 

In the spirit of Virgo’s dedication to living an intentional life, this New Moon motivates us to align our happiness with work that matters to us and others, and to consistently practice deliberate acts of self-care and improvement that can shape our personal identity and our place in the world.  It is also the ideal lunar phase to redefine how we see ourselves, to practice loving self-acceptance and let go of the harsh judgments that limit us, to cultivate a deeper, more compassionate relationship with who we are.

In the dark of the night as we deeply reflect upon our needs and desires, let this New Moon in Virgo be a moment of quiet renewal, a time to reconnect with the sacred in the everyday and commit to the small yet meaningful steps that lead to profound self-discovery and lasting growth. 

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Virgo occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
