New Moon in Leo - August 4, 2024, 7:13 AM, EDT

Leo season is the time of year where the life giving essence of the Sun radiates powerfully in its own sign. Aligned with this fiery solar light is lovely Luna forming the New Moon in Leo. Stirring us with profound emotions, we are called to reflect upon our self-perception, our presence in the world and the gifts we have to share. With an abundance of encouragement for us to take up space and step into the spotlight, this upbeat lunar phase of new beginnings charges us to shine our light on those around us, and to share our unique gifts with unabashed enthusiasm.

Symbolized by the majestic lion, Leo, ruled by the Sun energizes us with the bold nature of this fixed fire sign. Also the sign of the heart, Leo beckons us to lead with love and generosity whether it’s a creative project, a leadership role or a dramatic declaration of emotion.  Charismatic, playful and loyal, Leo’s evolutionary goal is to trust and take the risk to be real through sincere and natural self-expression.

Adding a lively infusion of energy, Mars and Jupiter both in Gemini harmonize with this Moon with an expansive quality of positivity and opportunity, igniting our ingenuity and courage to pursue our evolving desires with passion.

Jupiter in Gemini, ever curious, brings a thirst for knowledge and a zest for exploration. Coupled with Mars, the planet of action and drive, there’s a powerful urge to communicate, connect with others and initiate new ventures. Keep an open mind and embrace versatility and adaptability as ideas and conversations feed excitement and a desire for much needed change. Share from your heart, set healthy boundaries when needed and be careful of becoming overwhelmed with too many choices and losing your direction.

This Moon also receives support from the North Node in Aries, our evolutionary future and the South Node in Libra, our karmic lessons. In consciously choosing to envision beyond our comfort zone and intentionally release old and limiting patterns of behavior, we can claim ourselves with dedication and more courage, providing opportunities for meaningful soul growth that enhances our daily lives and personal relationships.

This is the time to listen to the whispers of our desires, to believe and trust that we are part of the bigger picture and have value. During this lunar phase, our intuition turns inward to the depth of our being where the wisdom of our heart resides.

As the New Moon rises in the sky we are called to embrace the simple pleasures of life and to plant the seeds of new beginnings that nurture our growth through joy, creativity and personal self-expression. Let us celebrate the gift of being alive and step into our authentic selves, to be visible and powerful, radiating our unique spirit with unwavering confidence. By living genuinely, we resonate with and invite the appreciation from kindred souls who recognize and cherish the light we offer to a world in need.

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Leo occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
