New Moon in Gemini - June 6, 2024 8:38 AM, EDT

 Fully into Gemini season, the flow of life continues to pick up with an influx of ideas and choices where our attention is pulled in various directions. Increasing this lively energy is the inquisitive New Moon in Gemini rising in the sky. Like a breath of fresh air, this New Moon invites us to embark on an inner journey of heart based exploration; where information and communication energize and our yearning for new possibilities and adventures are open ended.

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Jupiter enters Gemini - May 25, 2024 to June 9, 2025

As Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, expansion and faith in living life crosses the cosmic threshold into the mutable air sign of Gemini, we move into a period where curiosity and communication reign supreme. Jupiter, often called the Great Benefic and known for its gifts of wisdom good fortune and growth, now channels its energies through Gemini, inviting us to embrace change and broaden our horizons through various means of communication; stimulating dialogue and intellectual exploration

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