New Moon in Aquarius - February 9, 2024

Aquarius season continues and the long term evolutionary work of the Water Bearer, symbolic of Aquarius seeking and sharing truth and knowledge, is just beginning. With a strong planetary emphasis on progressive ideas and humanitarian pursuits, we continue to feel the pull to claim ourselves more fully.  As the Sun and the Moon align perfectly, the New Moon in Aquarius calls us to reach beyond what is and imagine what could be; to break the emotional fears that bind us to outdated conventions that no longer represent us and courageously re-invent ourselves and our future.

Aquarius, the fixed air sign is freedom loving and boundary breaking, Aquarius helps us to “wake up” to who we truly are and hold on to that knowledge, even if we are out of step with those around us. When the Moon is in Aquarius, emotional reactions and responses don’t follow the playbook; with a natural outsider’s perspective, expectations are questioned and what is not commonly understood or supported is thoughtfully reviewed. 

Saturn in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus co-rule this Aquarius Moon with a message of commitment to spiritual guidance and compassion as we navigate the ongoing, sometimes sudden changes in our personal and collective reality.

With the addition of Mercury and Pluto in forward thinking Aquarius, our thought process and psychological focus dives into our depths. With soul searching honesty, conversations with ourselves and others can reveal important insights about genuine needs and desires that can no longer remain below the surface, especially as we consider our individual truth. 

Adding stress to this lunar phase is Uranus, the great awakener, in the sign of Taurus. Challenging our foundations and pushing us to question where we stand and where we are headed, we are compelled to find balance between innovation and stability; to seek out novel solutions without losing sight of what is truly valuable. This dynamic aspect is a catalyst for growth that demands courage to change, to adapt and to reinvent ourselves and our world, in the face of uncertainty.

Activating the South Node in Libra and North Node in Aries, this New Moon brings us opportunity to release old patterns of avoiding conflict to keep things smoothed over and activate healthier boundaries and choices by embracing the courage to appropriately stand up for ourselves and our personal values.

During this Moon we are invited to become the alchemists of our own lives, to blend the ethereal with the tangible, the revolutionary with the reliable. This is a heartfelt calling to break free from the unnecessary limitations and fears of our past and forge a future that reflects our highest ideals and most honest selves.

Ask questions of yourself and truthfully examine the why of what you’ve always done; your patterns, behavior and emotional responses, and the satisfaction of those choices. Are there areas of life where you feel stuck or unmotivated? Is there something outside of your “norm” that you’ve always been drawn to or desired?

This is the time to seek inspiration to write your own narrative, your own unique story of change. With wisdom and courage navigate this tumultuous time of transformation and emerge with your heart and soul realigned with your truest desires for happiness and wellbeing; to be yourself. As we continue in this time of evolving stability, may you find the emotional fortitude and vision for a new beginning of greater authenticity for you and your life.

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Aquarius occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
