Mars enters Taurus - June 8, 2024

Mars is the Warrior, passionate with desire, full of will and with assertiveness, sets boundaries and claims space. Mars is the planet that stirs up fears, frustration and anger as well as the courage and strength to face and resolve them.

As fiery Mars, makes its transition into the earthy and sensual sign of Taurus on June 8, 2024, we are invited to ground our ambitions and ignite our passions with a steady, deliberate flame. This transit, marked by a shift from the impulsive and assertive Aries into the more deliberate and steadfast Taurus, is a time when our drive, determination and right action are tempered with patience and perseverance.

Mars in Taurus is not about the quick sprint; it is about the long, enduring marathon. In the sign of Taurus, Mars learns the value of persistence and the power of slow, steady progress. This is a period where our actions are not fueled by sudden bursts of energy but by a deep, enduring resolve. It’s a time to focus on what truly matters, to build solid foundations, and to pursue our goals with unwavering dedication.

Under this planetary influence, our desires become more tangible and our approach to achieving them becomes more practical. The energy of Mars, when channeled through the earthy nature of Taurus, emphasizes physical pleasure and material comfort. We are encouraged to indulge in the senses, to find joy in the physical world, and to create beauty and stability in our lives.

During this transit of Mars in Taurus, financial pursuits and matters of security take center stage, bringing a keen focus on building wealth, not just in monetary terms but also in terms of personal resources, skills and values. This is a time to invest wisely, to save diligently, and to make calculated moves that ensure long-term stability and growth.

However, it is important to be mindful of the shadow side of this transit. Mars in Taurus can sometimes be stubborn and resistant to change, clinging to routines and comfort zones even when they no longer serve us. There can be a tendency to become overly fixated on material possessions or to equate self-worth with net worth and during this phase it is crucial to balance the need for security with the willingness to adapt and evolve.

As Mars journeys through Taurus until July 20, 2024, let us harness this powerful energy to cultivate patience, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the physical world. Let us courageously build, create, and sustain with a sense of purpose and passion, knowing that true progress is made through steady, consistent effort. This is a time to establish our dreams in reality, to manifest our desires with practicality, and to enjoy the fruits of our labor with gratitude and grace.

If you are interested in knowing where transiting Mars enters Taurus in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
