Uranus in Taurus Stations Retrograde - August 24, 2022 to January 22, 2023

On August 24, 2022, transiting Uranus in Taurus will begin its annual retrograde joining the other outer planets in a collective backward spin.

Uranus is the planet of individuation and often called the “Great Awakener” for Uranus shakes us up inside and out, helping us to determine who we truly are from the desires or expectations of society, family and friends.

More than any other, Uranus is the planet that signifies change and sometimes suddenly with dramatic shifts in circumstances and emotional breakthroughs. As Uranus has been moving through the sign of Taurus since 2018, a sign that is fixed, slower and likes consistency, this transit has a tension built into it. We have seen many changes that have affected every aspect of life, in nature itself, in our day to day and in particular our ideas and methods of security, stability and resources. The basics of our lives; individually and collectively.

Now once again retrograde, we are given the time to do an honest evaluation. To go back over any personal changes, where we’ve been and what we’ve done that resonated with us or not while Uranus was direct since last January 18th.  In general, the energetic pace of Uranus will slow down some giving us the chance to re-valuate and determine what we need to release and learn from and what feels right for us and how to build upon that.

It’s important to take note that although the outer planets are all in retro motion and there is a slowing down, the recent transit of Mars in Gemini, which will last until next year and has its own retrograde phase this fall, will add a drive and change to this planetary mix.  Mars is the inner planet of boundary setting, fear, courage and passion and is more of a trigger for the outer planets as well as within individual birthcharts. I mention this because Mars in Gemini is ACTIVE and does favor change, sometimes quickly. So integrate that with the larger, slower multi planet retrograde phase that is in effect.

Also adding extra cosmic influence will be the last of the Uranus Saturn square energy that will occur between mid- September through October 2022 and then begin to ease up as they part ways for a number of years.  When Uranus and Saturn interact, the pressure builds and it’s a time of “something’s gotta give” which can be stressful and sudden and we’ve experienced before. When these two planets interact, especially in a square it’s best to anticipate what might “give” and what you can do to minimize the impact but also what desired opportunities may come out of the aftermath.

We are in dramatically changing times. Life looks very different, yet, we have adjusted, been creative, chosen joy, self-care and healing.  We are stronger and more resilient. We’ve gone through a great deal and we will continue to do so.

During this retrograde of Uranus we are receiving a wake-up call that can feel disruptive but necessary to break away from what holds us back, allowing for a new and more authentic version of ourselves and our lives.  Work with and claim the gift that it offers. Do some honest reflection and with a sense of who you know yourself to be, ask yourself, “What do I truly need and desire?” What change within myself or my life do I need to embrace and own? What do I want to accomplish? Consider what no longer feels right to you and needs release or adjustment and what would support you most authentically. From big to small (sometimes the small things make a huge difference).

Uranus is innovative, a boundary breaker and we are in a steep learning curve of re-inventing ourselves and our future. Imagine the possibilities, set your intentions for when Uranus begins its forward movement and continue your evolutionary soul work of being the best, most truest “you!”

If you are interested in knowing where transiting Uranus in Taurus occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings~
