New Moon in Taurus - May 11, 2021, 3:01 PM, EDT

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As we move deeper into Taurus season the earth energy of the New Moon in Taurus slows the pace and engages our practical side and basic needs in considering new goals and plans. This is an optimal time for emotional grounding that steadies and supports us as we define our intentions for new growth, and wellbeing in a changing world.

The first earth sign, sensual Taurus is drawn to comfort, pleasure and security. Ruled by Venus, Taurus needs personal connection with people, places and things that are appealing and calming. Venus, now in the air sign of Gemini reminds us to remain open minded to new ideas and communicate our desires.

Uranus in Taurus 10 degrees away from this Moon continues to shake things up and create change, showing us where we have become stuck and stopped growing within ourselves and our circumstances.  And that if we are ready for a fresh start where we continue to grow and live the truth of who we are, we need to adjust to the changes around us and continue to lay the best foundation that is right for us. 

Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius square the New Moon creating challenges between staying on the same path or striving for a fresh start in goals or direction that feels more authentic for you. Saturn also squares Uranus in Taurus which is an indication that something that is stuck and unmoving will have to give way. This can be feel hard yet holds new possibilities. Compelling and growth inducing, squares require some level of integration and difficult decisions.

Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn both radiate supportive cosmic energy to this lunar phase of new beginnings. Neptune opens us, increasing our intuition, inspiration and ability to visualize new levels of happiness. Pluto’s current retrograde motion compels a deep reflection on how we have used our personal power, integrity and discipline in creating more meaningful purpose within our lives that also enriches those around us.  Look for opportunities.

The New Moon in Taurus beckons us away from the noisiness and busyness of life back into our body and our senses.  Where stillness and silence, ritual and nature opens us sometimes in surprising ways to our basic needs, creature comforts and our inner and outer resources. We may realize any resistance to needed change for Taurus loves consistency. However, this New Moon asks us to open our hearts and mind to new levels of happiness that support our individuality and ongoing personal evolution as we create more love, prosperity, stability and peace in our future.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Taurus falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,


Art: Jen’s Fine Art