Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - November 8, 2022, 6:03 AM EST

Halfway through Scorpio season, the time of year we are cosmically called to do our own shadow work, the night sky is beautifully illuminated with the red hue of the Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, the last eclipse of 2022. Magnifying our emotions and issues around building security and maintaining our serenity, as the light of the Moon dims, this powerful eclipse reveals what is hidden or being avoided that keeps us stuck, providing the push we need to face these shadows, address them honestly and assess what needs to be released.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus and this Moon energy is also in Scorpio sitting close to the Sun and opposing the Moon. Venus’s appeal in this deep water sign is intense and passionate and requires radical honesty in love. This aspect underlines everything that provides comfort and a sense of stability into this Full Moon phase. Our personal connection to our resources which includes our most significant relationships as well as our skills, sources of money flow and possessions.

Putting pressure on the fixed energy of this powerful eclipse phase and emphasizing the message of this Moon to awaken to our personal truth and path is Uranus in an exact conjunction with the Moon. This brings to the surface thoughts, feelings and desires that need to be examined honestly as our emotional perspective is shifting. In the sign of Taurus that prefers simplicity and consistency this compelling energy can feel somewhat jarring as the potential for change accelerates in ways we may not anticipate but ultimately serves our highest purpose.   

Mercury also in Scorpio and tight with the Sun signals honest conversation that if necessary leaves no stone unturned; focusing on the truth that not only reveals but with the highest intentions offers the potential to heal.

Saturn in Aquarius forms a challenging T-square with this lunar phase that can feel stressful, yet also offers a path of authentic growth amidst any significant transitions through patience, wisdom and sustained efforts.

During this powerful eclipse phase take time to be in nature, enjoy music or the beauty in silence and stillness. Support yourself with nourishing food, enough sleep and healing contact with loved ones if possible. Pay attention to any changes and trust that the Universe is working on your behalf for greater authenticity and wellbeing.

As this Full Moon intensifies our feelings it also creates a cosmic  opening for us to release past life karmic patterns of emotional upheaval and loss of perspective, clearing out what holds us back and ushering in the potential for healing, wholeness and our higher evolutionary potential.

Anchoring ourselves with steady footing, a calm heart and resetting our intentions for greater resourcefulness, stability and inner peace, we are more prepared to navigate any challenges of life and upcoming changes with greater ease and grace as we continue on our life path.

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon Total Lunar  Eclipse in Taurus occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and cit and state of birth.  

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
