Super Full Moon in Aries - September 29, 2023, 5:57 AM, EDT

With the Sun now in Libra and the Equinox just past, the balance between day and night begins to shift as we enter a new season. Illuminating the night sky and our deepest feelings, the bright light of the Super Full Moon in Aries, fires up our personal will and bold desires with a powerful focus on claiming our individual needs. With the opposition to the Sun in Libra we are also called to consider the needs of those around us, especially our most cherished loved ones. 

Symbolized by the Ram, Aries, first in the zodiac and a cardinal sign is headstrong, quick and daring, ready to bravely charge into action. Passionate, driven and a natural advocate of self or others, the lifelong spiritual work of developing courage through facing fears, as well as learning to manage frustration and anger effectively is Aries evolutionary journey.  In opposition, the Libra Sun seeks beauty, harmony and balance. Naturally oriented to the arts, relationships and expressions of love, Libra is ultimately a peacemaker. 

This Super Full Moon has no major aspects except for the opposition to the Sun in Libra which creates an awareness and need for balance between ourselves and others. Additionally, this Moon phase is ruled by Mars currently in Libra, further underlining the Aries, Libra dynamic of independence vs interdependence and the value in finding the middle ground where loving and effective cooperation is possible. 

Adding complexity, Mars activates the Aries, Libra lunar nodes and Chiron in Aries. This aspect stirs up old and wounding karmic patterns of people pleasing, avoiding conflict and indecision as well as provides the potential for evolutionary growth and healing by activating the will to confront fears and bravely live life more fully.  

With Mercury in Virgo, thoughts and conversations are more analytical and practical. Be mindful in sharing your opinions and feelings, if things become heated be careful of becoming overly aggressive or critical. Instead, seek solutions that create greater understanding and improves circumstances, for if the focus becomes only what's wrong, communication can breakdown

This Super Full Moon intensifies feelings and brings clarity to the progress and sense of satisfaction achieved since the New Moon in Aries on March 21, 2023. Are you living the life you envisioned last March? Have you met the challenges and worked to understand the fears that can undermine your intentions? This emotional awareness is not to judge yourself, but to help you make adjustments, release old resentments and hurts and re-calibrate your efforts. In doing so, you strengthen your sense of self, assert yourself with wisdom and empathy and enhance your connection with others. 

Bringing to the surface what is out of balance, this Super Moon is an opportunity to evolve and helps you understand yourself and what you require personally for feeling empowered, happy and fulfilled within yourself and with others. Be aware that frustration can build, tempers can flare and fear can rise so use discernment and discipline to express feelings genuinely, yet appropriately for the best outcome for everyone. Strong within yourself, knowing your needs and desires, you are more prepared to set healthy boundaries in the spirit of partnership and work out issues with others, especially your most personal heartfelt relationships.

If you are interested in knowing where the Super Full Moon in Aries occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
