Super Full Moon in Sagittarius - June 14, 2022, 7:52 AM, EDT

With the recent stations of Mercury in Taurus direct and Saturn in Aquarius retrograde, June has been a busy month of astrological movement. Maintaining that cosmic flow is the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius illuminating how far we’ve come in our journey as well as the recognition that for continued happiness we need to release certainty and venture beyond what we know;  discovering new ideas, beliefs and meaningful life experiences that lift our hearts with hope.

Sagittarius, the mutable fire sign seeks greater understanding of life through various adventures including cross cultural experiences and higher knowledge that becomes the basis for an ongoing personal philosophy. With a zest for life and movement, Sagittarius’s shadow is over-optimism and over-extension.

Opposite the Moon is the Gemini Sun, the mutable air sign seeks an open mind. Changeable, curious and communicative, Gemini’s mantra is there is more than one way to look at everything.

Jupiter the planet that rules Sagittarius and this Moon is currently in the sign of Aries, super charging our drive and courage to activate our dreams. With Jupiter’s generous and optimistic nature and the quickness of Aries, opportunities arise that fast forward us in the direction of our desires, but also can lead to over-expansion or carelessness resulting in unwanted or even dire results.

The curious and pro-active nature of this Full Moon squares off with Neptune in Pisces boundless spiritual energy resulting in confusion that clouds your feelings and wisdom. Ask questions and have open ended conversations with trusted soul mates. With awareness, pay attention to internal cues and creative inspiration as you open your heart and mind to various options.

Saturn in Aquarius, now retrograde and reviewing past goals and efforts is energized by this lunar phase that takes us beyond the predictable and expands our possibilities for more authentic and meaningful growth.

In addition, the Moon in Sagittarius forms a trine with Mars and Chiron both in Aries. This supportive yet fiery aspect kicks up our motivation and desires to break out of what is familiar, yet with Chiron close by ignites our fears as well. Be mindful and use this highly charged aspect to release doubts and step into courage that fuels your personal quest for new experiences.

As the powerful bright light of this Sagittarius Super Full Moon shines down have faith in yourself, your humanity and ability to rebound and keep growing. With an adventurous heart and open mind, expand your vision of what is possible. Explore new opportunities, reach for a dream, try something that scares you that in the long run will make you stronger, more authentic and give you wings to soar. Believe in yourself and like the Centaur, eye on the horizon and ready to shoot its arrow out into the world, set your sites and aim well.

If you are interested in knowing where this Super Full Moon in Sagittarius falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need the mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
