Super Full Moon in Capricorn - June 24, 2021, 2:41 PM EDT

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After an intense, busy and sometimes bumpy ride through Mercury retrograde in Gemini and two eclipses we are now in Cancer season with the recent Solstice on June 20th. As we officially enter summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere, we will have the last Super Full Moon of 2021 in Capricorn on June 24th, illuminating and intensifying our deepest feelings around the status of our most meaningful goals and commitments.

The Moon in Capricorn opposite the Sun in Cancer creates this Super Full Moon phase. Strategic and practical, earthy Capricorn is focused on accomplishing something meaningful with integrity, discipline and determination. Cancer, a sensitive water sign is nurturing, intuitive and empathetic; carefully opening up to all that life offers. These opposing signs emphasize the importance of balance and integration between the needs of career, community and public reputation with the needs of home, family, emotional sustenance and safety. With healthy balance there is greater opportunity to be successful in all areas of life.

Jupiter in Pisces in a sextile with the Capricorn Moon encourages dreamy inspiration and opportunities for growth. This stimulating aspect creates support and excitement in reaping benefits of our previous efforts, but do be careful of over assuming or impulsiveness that undermines those results.  

The ruler of this lunar phase Saturn in Aquarius currently retrograde, is still in a tight square with Uranus in Taurus where continued pressure of some type of change is felt. With the potential of “something giving way” prepare for any fallout as well as arising new possibilities. 

Saturn also signals Mercury in Gemini to remain flexible and open to conversation and new ideas in the ongoing effort to build greater authenticity in your life. Mercury currently is in the post shadow stage of its retrograde, giving us a yellow light to proceed with care and begin moving forward with any pending ideas or projects.

As the Moon comes into her Full light we can experience intense feelings of accountability for ourselves and others as we examine how well we disciplined ourselves to a personal calling or great work; to a more authentic life. We can get a better read on how steadfast we were to our goals, how far we have come and ways we can improve our efforts to manifest what we set out to do.

May this Super Full Moon in Capricorn inspire you to be more of who you came here to be, motivate you to meet the challenges of personal and professional growth, and open your eyes to new opportunities for lasting and meaningful achievement.

If you are interested in knowing where this Super Full Moon in Capricorn occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
