Super Full Moon in Capricorn - Wednesday, July 13, 2022 2:37 PM, EDT

Halfway through 2022 the Cosmos summons us to take stock of ourselves, our goals and the results of our sustained efforts to build something meaningful and lasting. With the help of outer planet retrogrades and the Super Full Moon in Capricorn, what has been brewing within rises to the surface, needing attention. This opposition of the Sun in Cancer with the Moon in Capricorn illuminates the importance of balance between Cancer’s emotional nurturing nature and the inner realms of home and family with Capricorn’s rational, responsible worldly concerns and serious focus on career and accomplishments.

Saturn, the ruler of this Moon phase and currently retrograde in Aquarius instructs us to revisit our earlier efforts for a more authentic life; to honestly measure our growth and performance as well as determine if our intentions and goals have shifted. With a trine to Venus in Gemini, thoughtful open-ended conversations flow bringing opportunities for personal connection and loving support during this process of serious reflection.

Pluto in Capricorn nearby the Moon brings up the shadow and now retrograde, this transforming energy compels us to go deep and honestly confront if our goals and efforts add true value to our lives. Regardless of our objectives, when our endeavors provide the things we need to be healthy and whole, nurtured and happy we have a greater ability to show up in the most meaningful way; with integrity and sensitivity, not only for ourselves but for those we love and care for.

With the Moon in opposition to Mercury and the Sun in Cancer, sensitive and honest conversations are needed with ourselves and with others. Speak from the heart and allow vulnerability to embrace what is needed to maintain the balance that supports all areas of your life.

Uranus and the North Node in Taurus trine the Moon, supporting what feeds your heart with opportunities for change that stabilize long term efforts. Neptune in Pisces visionary energy shines the light of inspiration that attunes us to higher guidance and greater compassion.

Last January the New Moon in Capricorn invited us all to set intentions around “great work” and meaningful goals. Now, during this Super Full Moon in Capricorn, the sign that seeks mastery over the material realm, we are faced with ourselves and the results of our efforts to achieve. However, the Moon is always about self-care and personal happiness and Capricorn’s one pointed focus can lead to burnout and emotional exhaustion. Both Capricorn and Cancer are personally invested in creating a life of substance that provides emotional and physical security that is lasting. When these two initiators join forces, the needs of work and home, the outer and inner realms are in harmony, fortified and more effective.

Acknowledge where you did well and where you fell short and open to changes that are in line with who you are now and where you feel destined to go. Release what has proven to undermine your efforts and focus on choices and strategies that help you get back on track to personal and professional success and emotional fulfillment. Take care of yourself to realize your greatness!

If you are interested in knowing where this Super Full Moon in Capricorn occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
