Full Moon in Pisces - Saturday, September 10, 2022, 5:59 AM, EDT

The solar season of Virgo calls us to take stock of ourselves, our lives and with discernment pay attention to the details, think strategically and make a plan that strives for improvement. In perfect cosmic counterbalance, the Full Moon in Pisces floods our heart and soul with tender emotions that awaken us to a sea of compassion, creative possibilities and greater spiritual awareness.

Increasing the intuitive, sensitive nature of this lunar phase is Neptune, the ruler of Pisces in a loose conjunction with the Moon. Thinning the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds, Neptune’s energy further opens us to the mystical realm where psychic impressions and experience increases and breakthroughs in higher consciousness are possible.

In a square to the Moon, Mars in Gemini is very busy activating a variety of ideas and plans that constantly change, which challenges the Moon in Pisces need to just be, rather than do and the Sun in Virgo’s fixation on everything being exact. Although difficult, this aspect motivates us to see things from a different perspective; to be flexible, open minded and courageously communicate, especially with significant others.

Shaking things up, the Moon in Pisces also forms a stimulating sextile to Uranus and the North Node, both in Taurus.  Sudden unexpected insights or changes are likely, that wake up the dreamy intensity of this lunar phase.

Once again, Mercury stations retrograde, this time in Libra and the day before the Full Moon where relationships in particular will get a redo during this phase. There is even the potential for people from the past to show up to simply reconnect or to rehash old issues and feelings.

During this time, speak from the heart and hold space for others to do the same. Remember that the gift of Mercury retrograde is to have a pause and go back over certain aspects of your life. To clear the air, evaluate options, find solutions or consider changes but do wait if possible until Mercury stations direct on October 2, 2022 before acting on any major decisions. As always with technology, save and back up everything and do a double check before deleting anything.

The Full Moon normally brings intense emotional awareness, showing us what needs action, closure or release in our lives. However, without our conscious attention, clarity can be elusive during this mystical Moon in Pisces, where seeing everything and everyone through rose colored glasses is easy. Meditation or any spiritual practice that aligns and balances your heart and head is invaluable in knowing what comes next.

Make time for silence, stillness, to breathe and to listen; to just be. In the space between breaths, surrender to what fills your heart with profound inspiration for a new vision but also to the ways you may be squandering this creative potential. Pay attention to your night and day dreams and consider drawing or journaling your ideas, insights and feelings for some of your best ones can be fleeting. 

Under Luna’s lovely glow our spiritual lives are illuminated, helping us remember who we really are; divine beings in a physical world where our dream feeds the reality of life.

 If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Pisces occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings~
