The last New Moon of 2020 is a Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius; a super powerful New Moon with the opportunity to see beyond what is, who we are and how far we’ve come. Calling up our deepest desires it’s time for a shift in consciousness where hope, unexplored possibilities and future happiness lead us forward. 2021 here we come!
During a Solar Eclipse the light of the Sun is blocked by the Moon for a period of time creating a pause in the light, a break with who we are and what we need; setting in motion a cosmic reset of head and heart. A time of change and powerful new beginnings that unfold over time, often up to 6 months. Be attentive to significant inner and outer life shifts helping you make sense of this time and any decisions concerning your personal growth and happiness.
Sagittarius, the Archer, is a seeker of knowledge and understanding life, through experiences into unchartered territory. Where the mind, body and beliefs are engaged and personally evolving. Needing more freedom than any other sign; Sagittarius views life as adventure to be explored in an ongoing search for meaning. With this fiery zest for life, over confidence, assumption and at times a reckless lack of judgement can result in mishaps or disappointments. Remember this during times of rapid movement (any kind) and mix trust with wisdom as a guide. When needed, slow down to make the curve for a better outcome.
Sitting very close to the New Moon are Mercury and the South Node also in Sagittarius; all receiving a supportive power boost from Mars in Aries. This extra charge of active courage moves the needle on open ended thought and communication that goes beyond old beliefs that no longer serve you, into new ideas, visions and change that does. Be careful of abrupt or thoughtless words or actions that undermine your viewpoint.
Jupiter in Capricorn, the planetary ruler of this New Moon energy is in a sweet lively sextile with Venus in Scorpio where complete honesty about what or who you desire supports your potential for realizing big dreams and meaningful accomplishments. Enjoy the excitement but be careful of over-impulsiveness, especially as Neptune in Pisces forms a stressful square with the New Moon creating the potential for deception (self or otherwise), confusion or careless assumptions that could wreak havoc. Instead, engage with your intuition for higher guidance, clarity and creative visions. Remember this lunar phase is where you “dream up” your desired destiny.
We are ushering in a new era in history with the upcoming Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius on the Solstice, December 21, 2020. A time of innovation where some type of victory, personally and collectively can result with heroic effort. With needed faith in life itself this New Moon Solar Eclipse inspires us to lay the groundwork for continued growth, leading us towards a new and more meaningful authentic future.
If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.
Be Well ~ Be Love
Many Blessings,