New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini - June 10, 2021, 6:54 AM EDT

Rolling into June in the midst of Gemini season and 3 planets retrograde including Mercury in Gemini, we are being served a menu of sometimes increased, sometimes stalled, change and communication that will receive a cosmic boost and restart on June 10th when the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini occurs. An annular eclipse, this New Moon doesn’t entirely block the Sun, resulting in a dramatic ring of fire that won’t be visible in all parts of the world, but will be felt within and in our personal world.

Represented by the symbol of The Twins, Gemini is mutable air energy, always moving like swirling wind through the trees. Naturally curious, communicative, questioning, and comparing all sides of any situation, idea or feeling, Gemini shines with a radical open mindset. Highly changeable and ready for new experiences, Gemini at times can take on too much, resulting in mental and emotional overwhelm and lose direction. 

Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini and now retrograde, sitting close to the Sun and Moon gives us every reason to carefully review our present situation and most heartfelt desires, creating greater awareness in developing new possibilities or restructuring current aspects of our lives.

Adding planetary energy is Neptune in Pisces in a square with the New Moon and Mercury. Squares though demanding, offer the potential for growth through sometimes difficult decisions and effort. This aspect with Neptune can open up a sea of thoughts, feelings, dreams and conversations that can inspire but also could become so scattered and vague, that confusion, illusion and extreme overwhelm can result. The challenge is to engage with intuition and make the effort to clarify and understand any impressions or information that may show up.  Be intentional as you listen to your inner voice; consider and re-consider what you would like to create in your life and if possible wait for end of Mercury retrograde to act. Listen to others well and with an open heart and mind communicate as clearly as possible to avoid misunderstandings.  Meditation or spiritual practice that supports being more present can be very helpful.

Saturn, now retrograde in Aquarius sends support for our New Moon intentions with a serious reminder to review goals and the results of strategies and efforts the past 5 months. Target necessary improvements and be prepared for any changing circumstances that may unfold. Know that self-discipline, wisdom and perseverance are still needed to actualize a more authentic life and growing maturity.

Similar to the previous Lunar Eclipse, Saturn the planet of reality makes a second square with Uranus, the planet of individuality and change.  The key take away is “something has to give” which is best managed by having in place troubleshooting methods as well as imagine any new possibilities.  

We can feel pulled into many directions and distracted by the complexity of situations. With the many retrogrades especially Mercury it is wise to remain open and in the flow, yet deeply reflective and take time in decisions.  We are all experiencing this internal reset that will require greater awareness to move forward in the highest manner possible with the best outcome.

As we are being called to continued evolution, consider the unknown and try something new. Break free of old and limiting constructs and definitions of ourselves and open up to new more authentic choices.

Eclipses create a cosmic pause where accelerated soul growth is possible through thoughtful intention. With open minded contemplation, remain flexible as the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini shakes things up and widens our vision with a refreshed perspective that leads us into new territory; within ourselves and our lives.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), city and state of birth.

 Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
