New Moon in Virgo - September 17, 2020, 7:01 AM, EDT

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The New Moon. A new cycle of lunar energy that allows us to reset and start again. A process that keeps us evolving.  As we continue to navigate and adjust within a changing world, the New Moon in Virgo inspires us to reach for the best of ourselves.

Virgo an earth sign symbolizes the Virgin, pure, free and sovereign. Pragmatic and pulled by perfection Virgo’s energy brings us into the moment where we evaluate what is and what could be. Looking at options, zoning in on details, Virgo is a natural in strategizing and formulating a plan all in the name of improvement that starts with the self and then flows out to others. With a natural orientation to health and the body, Virgo loves routines that create order and functionality in our life.

The ruler of Virgo is Mercury the planet of communication. Currently in the sign of Libra, relationship issues come up that benefit from honest conversation and cooperation.  While Mercury is in Libra, creating and appreciating more beauty, harmony and balance in our lives becomes important food for thought.

Sitting opposite the New Moon is Neptune in Pisces, This aspect creates a distinct awareness between mystical intuition and inspiration, with heart centered practicality that can balance and work together if consciously integrated.  Be aware, that Neptune in Pisces can create confusion and or delusion so use discernment to sort out your thoughts and feelings.

Additionally Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter all in Capricorn trine the New Moon. These trines provide supportive connection and opportunity between the New Moon potential and far reaching meaningful values and goals that some of you may have been working on for months.

Virgo’s unique offering is that we each are capable of developing ourselves in ways that matter to us. Small steps or large leaps they all count. When we honestly self-evaluate what we do well and what we can do better, we then can make progress on our shortcomings and polish our strengths and skills. When we do, we become the gift that serves others.

Use discernment as you work with this Moon energy helping you determine what you need to create or work upon. Be aware of Virgo’s shadow of excessive criticism of yourself or others that is wounding and stands in the way of your personal evolution. Be clear but thoughtful with yourself. We are living in a time where change and uncertainty is everywhere. In our daily lives with work and family, we are figuring things out that we’ve never done before. A perfect time for the New Moon in Virgo to be your guide in creating your next step.

As we move closer to the Equinox and changes of the coming season I wish you a New Moon that empowers you with inner wisdom and creative vision for your future; where you lay the groundwork for growth, wellbeing and excellence.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Virgo occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
