Photo by Benjamin Voros
With the sunny and self-expressive Leo season now over, cosmic energies are shifting and ready for a more practical, organized and purpose driven phase. As the Sun and Moon align in the sign of Virgo, the desire to start again and do something well, something useful, that makes a difference and truly matters is strong. With an attention to detail and a discerning heart set your sights on a personally worthy goal that will improve not only you and your life, but those around you.
Ruled by Mercury, the planet of intelligence, communication and information flow influences Virgo through the down to earth practical application of ideas and language. Detailed, analytical thought with an exacting eye for what is and a specific vision for what could be. Another expression is lineage; the humble receiving of skill, knowledge and wisdom passing from teacher to student. Health and hygiene including daily routines that support wellness are also natural points of focus for Virgo, invested in personal improvement. Overall perfection pulls Virgo to always do better but also can lead to the shadow of excessive and damaging criticism of self or others. The healing path through this pain is the caring inner work of self-acceptance and self-love.
Creating a point of contention, Mars in Gemini squares the New Moon where pushing too hard in too many directions, challenges Virgo’s need for organized effort. Tensions rise and patience thins, increasing the potential for inner and outer conflicts and necessary difficult decisions.
Mercury, the ruler of this Moon phase and currently in the sign of Libra forms a supportive trine with passionate Mars whose words and actions are driven, assertive and at times combative. However, Mercury in Libra’s desire for harmony, grace and cooperation in personal connections and conversations offers a path of expression to soften the harsh challenge of Mars squaring the Moon.
Adding underlying tension in the cosmic background is a T-square with Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus that just began its 5 month retrograde phase on August 24th. This T-square includes Venus in Leo, opposing Saturn. As we review our continued efforts for our individuality, Uranus, the “great awakener” is the point of resistance but also the way forward. Anticipate the unexpected for changes are part of this, within ourselves and in our circumstances, including love and relationships, self-expression and resources, money and skills.
During this New Moon open your heart, mind and intuition to what within you and your life seeks a fresh start. To the area of life where possibility calls you and the desire for progress compels you to turn the page to a new and improved chapter. With attentive contemplation, remain flexible and make needed adjustments that support your intentions, to not only better yourself, but through your skillful service, the world around you.
If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Virgo occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.
Be Well ~ Be Love
Many Blessings!