New Moon in Libra - September 25, 2022, 5:56 PM, EDT

Just days after we enter Libra season and the Vernal Equinox, that point of balance between day and night, the magic of the Moon cycle beckons us into the dark night and recesses of our soul to start over once again. The first New Moon of autumn in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, the New Moon in Libra turns our emotional focus to relationships and personal harmony. A grace filled, social sign that instinctually considers the other person, Libra strives to calm down, realign and achieve equilibrium.

Adding complexity to this lunar phase is Mercury retrograde in Virgo and Venus in Virgo in a close but out of sign conjunction with the New Moon. Venus is the ruler of this lunar phase and in the down to earth practical sign of Virgo easily sees what is and what could be. Giving us a cosmic pause we are able to scrutinize our current relationships and life circumstances with careful attention to the details, creating a plan for improvement and growth.

Sitting opposite the New Moon is Jupiter in Aries, also retrograde. Jupiter’s optimistic nature is focused on growth, abundance and wellbeing. The planet that asks “how have you been underestimating yourself?” we are given the opportunity to look back upon how well we’ve developed and realized our goals and dreams up to now.  Revisiting the fears we’ve faced, the efforts we’ve made to grow and be prosperous as well as any assumptions that possibly derailed us. Jupiter expands what it touches and during this New Moon encourages us to believe in our future with a sense of confidence.

During this lunar phase find some time to be still, embrace silence and allow your feelings to form a vision of your desires; of what appeals to you. What does your heart need? What would soothe your soul? Take your time, weigh your options and set your intentions, but with Mercury retrograde involved, if possible hold them in your mind and heart, nurture them and set them in motion when Mercury stations direct on October 2, 2022.  With serenity as your guiding principle think about and talk about practical methods that can elevate your position. In working out any issues with significant others, negotiation and cooperation are especially useful so that each person feels heard and valued.

This New Moon in Libra awakens hope in us. In a world out of balance, if we have some faith in life and allow ourselves to dream; new realities for ourselves and with others are possible. We can make positive changes, we can create healthier balance within ourselves, our lives and our most precious loving relationships; romantic or not. With heartfelt desire, careful review and thorough planning we can create a vision for a new chapter in our lives where peace, beauty and love lead the way.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Pisces occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings~
