New Moon in Cancer - July 9, 2021, 9:17 PM, EDT

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Halfway through 2021 we are now in Cancer season with a New Moon, extra sensitive in her own sign taking us deep into our center, where feelings, memories and instincts guide us to open our heart to new beginnings and more of what life has to offer.

Cancer, the first water sign is ruled by the Moon and is highly emotional, empathetic, nurturing and forgiving. The Mother, the Healer. With a natural orientation to home, family, personal roots and safety, Cancer energy is protective of self and others.

A cardinal sign, Cancer is an initiator that is motivated to bring care, sensitivity and healing energy to others. Also somewhat shy, hesitant to take a risk and finding it easier to nurture others, Cancer’s needs can become invisible. 

The main aspects to this New Moon are Neptune in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, bringing welcome support in the form of intuition, inspiration and compassion as well as potentially exciting changes that can include relationships and resources.

Pluto in Capricorn in a loose opposition reminds us to use personal power with integrity in balancing personal connections and inner needs for a reset, with outer commitments, meaningful work and goals.

In the background is Saturn in Aquarius retrograde in a fixed T-square with Uranus in Taurus and Venus and Mars both in Leo.  Love and passion that needs recognition and self-expression is part of this tense aspect which also holds continued pressure for needed change and authenticity. Where the potential of “something giving way” requires preparation for any fallout as well as considering new possibilities that may appear.

Cancer can be hesitant and this Moon brings the issue straight to the heart. Look at any resistance or fears that come up that limit your ability to open up to something new in your life. What needs to be healed or released? These questions and your answers are the places where growth can occur.

Working with water energy during this lunar phase is helpful and nurturing. Stay hydrated, bless the rain and all bodies of water. Go swimming, take luxurious baths or showers that deepen intuition and can help you more fully connect with how you’re feeling and what you need or want that keeps coming up.

This tender lunar phase tugs at us deep within to open to more of life. To new levels of love, happiness and healing, within ourselves and with others; that intuitively we sense we’re ready for.

Be gentle with yourself, allow vulnerability.  Feel your feelings, but also be aware of the potential of becoming overly sensitive or extra moody. Share with friends, family or partners and ask for help if needed and trust in this process of another step, another opportunity in creating your future.

Embrace the gentle wisdom that this New Moon in Cancer offers us, to open our heart to life; deeply, bravely and carefully, with thoughtful intention and action.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Cancer occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
