Full Moon in Aquarius - August 22, 2021, 8:30 AM, EDT

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A second Full Moon in Aquarius rises in the night sky as we approach the end of August, illuminating our thoughts and feelings around a certain issue or area of life that we have been engaged with for some time and that now needs a level of action or commitment; one way or the other.  At 29 degrees, 38 minutes of Aquarius, hope looms large and we are finally ready to step out of our comfort zone. It’s time to release old perspectives and patterns and expand into a new vision for ourselves and humankind.

This Full Moon is a Blue Moon due to being the third of four Full Moons in a season, and is the second consecutive Full Moon in Aquarius. The first Full Moon in July at 01 degree Aquarius was the heart-based starting point which served to shift our perspective and personally define our deepest inner desires for the freedom to be ourselves.  The upcoming Full Moon at 29 degrees Aquarius is the completion point where we can feel more aligned and supported in claiming our feelings, goals and path. Emotional clarity and inspired dedication now motivates us to take significant steps in creating a more dynamic, authentically fulfilling life and future.

The Moon in Aquarius reflects the light of the Sun in Leo during this Full Moon opposition. When these luminaries are opposing they each are important in the meaning of this phase. The Sun in Leo is fire and represents self-expression, creativity, courage and joy! Leo shines its true bright light; it is the self and needs acknowledgement. Aquarius is air and represents individuality, greater truths and humanistic concerns and groups.  Aquarius often stands alone in releasing the need for approval from others.

The main aspect to the Moon is a conjunction with Jupiter in Aquarius, now retrograde giving us welcome time to revisit back burner opportunities as well as discover new avenues of growth potential supporting our changing perspective on who we are and how we live our lives. This extreme degree of heartfelt optimism can be the boost we need to claim confidence in our progress and wins as well as release what is no longer necessary, but be aware of the potential of over-confidence or excessive stubborn rebelliousness that does more harm than good. Revel in this optimism for we all need an emotional uplift, but be intentional in word and action.

Uranus in Taurus stationed retrograde on August 19th creating a general calming down through the end of the year. This phase also gives us valuable time to internally process and integrate many of the personal and collective changes that have already occurred, affecting our previous ideas of security and stability in our resources, including skills, money, possessions and our relationships. 

In the background are more supportive energies with a trine between Uranus in Taurus and Mars conjunct Mercury in Virgo creating practical ideas and discerning action that support the integration of larger changes in personal stability. In this process of releasing how we have done certain things we now have the motivation to improve our strategies and our timeline for implementing them. Further aid comes from a grand trine between Saturn in Aquarius, Venus in Libra and the North Node in Gemini where an open mind and active dialogue encourages harmony in relationships as well as a variety of creative ideas.

With all of the outer planets now retrograde there is a great deal of emphasis on doing behind the scenes work on personal growth and maturity as well as our higher beliefs and purpose.  This gives us 2 months of actively preparing for when Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto station direct, early to mid-October 2021.

Sustained effort and discipline to personal innovation and growth feeds our vision and gives us the heart and soul and gifts to meet and contribute to life on our terms. The spiritual message of this Full Moon for supporting your evolving happiness is to consciously be who you are and are always becoming. To do what you feel in your depths you are here to do as you also recognize and honor you are one of the billions of souls that make up and impact our world.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Aquarius falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
