Full Moon in Gemini - December 7, 2022, 11:09 PM EST

Now in hope filled Sagittarius season, the Sun and Moon align in opposition creating the Full Moon in Gemini. This last Full Moon of 2022 rises in the night sky intensified with a fierce determination and emotional resiliency that compels us to remain open to what comes next as well as fearlessly communicate and even possibly defend, what’s in our heart mind and spirit.

The symbol for Gemini, the mutable air sign of the zodiac is The Twins; curious, communicative with a sense of wonder and delight; pure perception, taking everything in. Loving the process of learning and welcoming the flow of new information that feeds their mind, mentally agile Gemini examines, questions and compares all sides of everything. With such a broad scope of awareness, there can be too many choices or erratic shifts that can lead to loss of direction, overwhelm and mental exhaustion. And be aware of the shadow side of Gemini which occurs (intentionally or not) when words and ideas are rearranged so often they are believed as truth when in fact, they’re not.  

Sagittarius is The Archer, shooting an arrow into the world.  On a spiritual quest seeking a deeper understanding of life, Sagittarius pursues adventurous cross-cultural experiences, higher teachings and worldly knowledge that forms personal values and belief systems. Born with a zest for life and an optimistic nature, freedom loving Sagittarius has the potential for recklessness, where going too far or too fast can have disastrous results.

This opposition between the Moon in Gemini and the Sun in Sagittarius creates tension and awareness between gathering and sharing information vs personal values and beliefs that will be part of the dialogue during this lunar phase.

Providing an edge to this lunar phase is Mars retrograde in Gemini in an exact conjunction with the Full Moon, fortifying our intentions with courage to open up and share our thoughts and feelings. Passionate heart reveals, heated debates, even frustration or anger that peaks and needs expression becomes possible. With Mars now retrograde it’s important to carefully reconsider what you say and actions you take especially as the energy flow and ability to be effective can slow down, stall or start up again. If stressful emotions begin to overwhelm, take a moment and breathe or stretch, slow and intentional or possibly take a walk. To focus your objectives, write down what you need to say or do and take your time going back over these to make any important changes before you continue.

Bringing a more grounded energy to the fiery impulsive nature of this lunar phase is Mercury, the ruling planet of this Moon in the responsible sign of Capricorn. Stabilizing our interactions with a more serious tone of discipline and commitment, Mercury provides needed support and integrity in what we say or do.

Additionally, in a trine with Saturn in Aquarius this Moon’s tenacious drive and openness to new ideas supports ongoing efforts and commitment to manifesting the authenticity desired in your life.  

Neptune in Pisces stationed direct on December 3, 2022 and as Neptune moves very slowly, this station phase lasts longer and has the potential to cloud our vision and judgement as we’re immersed in our desires and dreams. Forming a T- square during this lunar phase, the ethereal and receptive essence of Neptune in Pisces provokes the active natures of the Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius. This increases the potential for greater confusion and apathy but also serves as a point of spiritual growth, inspiration and creativity when conscious intention is present.  

During this Full Moon in Gemini, the importance of releasing certainty and embracing open, honest, communication and needed change will rise in your awareness and become clear.  Be prepared for emotions and or interactions that may be intense and stormy with frustration or fear. Allow new information in and remember that your feelings are valid, yet may not be completely accurate; there may be more to the story or situation that needs full disclosure for true understanding. Be willing to listen, learn and try on a new perspective and with a courageous heart and conscious intention remain open to new possibilities for continued authentic growth, wellbeing and happiness.  

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Gemini occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings,
