Mercury Retrograde in Gemini - May 29, 2021

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A few days after the Lunar Eclipse on May 29th Mercury in Gemini will station retrograde until June 22nd.  Mercury in its own sign of Gemini since May 3rd has significantly increased communication and information flow but when retrograde there will be times when the flow slows down and sometimes pause. Minds and plans can change, and data can become tangled or lost. Greater attention will be needed to go back over the details and keep things straight.  This is a valuable time for reflection, especially before important conversations or commitments. Remain open minded, flexible and participate in needed revisions for the best outcome.

While Mercury is retrograde internal chatter can increase and any practice such as meditation or breathing can help calm your mind.  This phase is a good time to write your thoughts, talk them out with friends or family. Make lists, strategize, mentally organize and set intentions that you can go over again later. If at all possible wait until after the retrograde period to make major purchases or commitments. If you have to sign anything, ask important questions and make sure all parties understand every detail in full because midway through this period, Mercury retrograde will also square Neptune in Pisces increasing the potential for fuzzy thinking, confusion or glitches.  So back all files, make copies and count to 5 before hitting delete! J

It’s undeniable that during Mercury retrograde life can become a bit more complicated and frustrating, however with all planetary influences, our power lies in how we respond. The truth is Mercury retrograde offers us a gift; of growth and an opportunity to go back over any type of situation, project or conversation that needs to be addressed with careful consideration. We get to slow down, rethink things, right some wrongs and re-evaluate and adjust anything that is off course.

Already in the pre-shadow period, I encourage you to work with the energy of Mercury retrograde. I truly believe that if you do you will find your version of the gift it holds and that when it’s all said and done, you’ll be glad you did.