Mercury Stations Retrograde - August 4, 2024 to August 28, 2024

Late evening on August 4, 2024, hours after the peak of the New Moon in Leo, Mercury in Virgo stations retrograde, marking a period of introspective scrutiny. Shifting the energy and expression of this retrograde phase, on August 14, 2024, Mercury will then re-enter the sign Leo where it will remain until August 28, 2024 when Mercury will station direct.

While Mercury the planet of communication and thought, slows in Virgo, we are invited to revisit, revise, and refine the aspects of our routines and responsibilities that require our discerning eye. This retrograde motion urges us to carefully sort out and declutter our minds and spaces, while honing in on the practicalities that have been neglected or gone unnoticed.

The Cosmos provides and this is a perfect time to organize closets, storage spaces and drawers as Virgo loves the details. Remember as you attend to cleaning up any tech devices, to think twice before deleting and save, save and save again anything important. With a natural connection to health and body, this phase also can bring our attention to our health routines and any physical wellness issues that need attention.

Called the messenger, Mercury urges us to take another look at the many details that define our daily lives, including past decisions and meaningful communications. This allows us to discover any overlooked details and re-align our thoughts and actions with a higher standard of clarity and efficiency. In doing so, important conversations with significant people, personally or professionally can clear the air or deepen connections.

During this part of the retrograde phase in Virgo, remember to honor your progress and yourself. Self-acceptance and self-love is an invaluable healing mindset for Virgo’s desire to attain perfection. Be aware that in the analytical process of reflection through the lens of Virgo, there is the potential of becoming stuck in old patterns of excessive self-criticism and negative thoughts or feelings that undermine you and the gift of this phase.

As we re-evaluate the systems and structures of our day to day lives that we rely on we are more able to make improvements with Virgo's natural drive for excellence and precision; basically fine-tuning our lives that support a clearer vision of future plans, desires and our personal path forward.

With a profound shift in the Messenger’s backward flow, on August 14th, Mercury will move back into the sign of Leo, where the energy shifts from analytical precision to igniting a reflective journey through the realms of self-expression and creativity.

In the vibrant and courageous sign of Leo, during this part of the retrograde phase we may find ourselves revisiting past projects, rekindling old passions, or encountering individuals who once played significant roles in our lives. It’s a cosmic nudge to confront unfinished business with the courageous heart of a lion, allowing us to mend what was broken and consider if we should breathe new life into what has been forgotten.

Communication takes on a more dramatic and passionate tone and our interactions are colored with emotion and intensity. This is a time to be mindful of how we express ourselves, ensuring that our words reflect our true intentions and that we hold space for others, listening with empathy and understanding.

Creatively, this retrograde phase is fertile ground for reimagining and reworking our artistic visions and endeavors. Projects that were once abandoned may now reveal their hidden potential, and new inspirations can emerge from the ashes of old ideas. Leo’s influence encourages us to embrace our inner child, to play and experiment without fear of judgment, and to let our ingenuity unfold.

Personally, Mercury retrograde in Leo asks us to reflect on our sense of identity and self-worth. Are we living authentically? Are we honoring our true selves in our daily lives and relationships? This period is a call to re-align our outer expressions with our inner truths, to let go of false expressions or choices, and to boldly shine our unique light.

As Mercury completes its retrograde journey in Leo and draws upon the recent dynamic New Moon in Leo we can reconnect with the core of our being, and with courage emerge with a renewed sense of self, ready to communicate and create from a place of heartfelt authenticity. This is a time to reclaim our stories, infuse them with our genuine essence, and share them with the world with the warmth, sincerity and passion that Leo embodies.

Yes, there will be glitches that can create delays and frustration. Do your best to breathe through these times and with intention, work with and trust in the magic and wisdom that these cosmic cycles offer.  By the end of this retrograde journey, we can emerge with a balanced perspective, ready to integrate the lessons learned from both Virgo's discernment and Leo's exuberance.

During the entirety of this retrograde if possible it’s important to put major decisions, especially in relationships and large purchases on hold until after Mercury stations direct on August 28th. After that, the retrograde energy will continue to subside until the post shadow fully ends on September 11, 2024.

If you would like to know where Mercury stations retrograde in your birthchart, please send your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
