Pluto in Capricorn Stations Direct in Capricorn - October 10, 2023

Pluto in Capricorn stationed retrograde on October 10th. The planet of transformation, Pluto shows us the dark side of life, and with that, straight up asks us if we can find and create meaning in our lives. Are we doing something, building something, participating in something that we truly care about and in doing so brings value to the human experience in some way?

Pluto takes us deep within to where our wounds hide and requires we pull them out of the shadows and into the light so that we can work on healing and finding wholeness. In that transformation is where we can rise up and begin to find our sense of personal power and higher purpose, something that holds meaning to us and in that enriches our lives and the lives of others.

As Pluto once again slowly begins forward motion, we individually and collectively are confronted with the results of how well or not so well we used the retrograde period in reviewing and restructuring certain aspects of our lives. Expressed through the earth sign of Capricorn, did we use time effectively, live with personal integrity, and with commitment apply ourselves to something meaningful and sustainable; what we might consider to be “great work”? As Pluto continues its forward movement, changes can occur outwardly as well as significant shifts within you. Take what you learned during the retrograde period and with the understanding you have now, it’s time to continue to work on any goals or meaningful endeavors, further developing and utilizing your self-discipline, practical strategies and sustained effort that at times may require some solitude. This is the time to turn your efforts into something tangible, something lasting that can add stability to your life.

Pluto will be in the sign of Capricorn until January 20, 2024, when Pluto will re-enter the sign of Aquarius.

If you are interested in knowing where Pluto in Capricorn stations retrograde in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
