Super Full Moon in Aquarius - August 1, 2023, 2:32 PM

As August begins during Leo season, and the astrological Sun shines brilliant and energizing in Leo, the Full Moon in Aquarius rises; the first of two Super Full Moon phases during this month. Reflecting the light of the Sun, the intuitive awareness of the Full Moon in Aquarius compels us to confront the status quo, embrace life enhancing opportunities and claim our utmost desires to live an authentic life. To freely stand in our truth as we also connect and support the greater communities and causes that stir our heart.

Aquarius, is the water bearer, the giver of knowledge and a non-conformist with a strong need for freedom, independence and humanitarian enterprises. In opposition to the Moon is the Sun in Leo, regal, dynamic, self-focused and self-expressive, a strong leader as well as the inner child, playful and creative. Motivated differently, both signs are naturally invested in being genuine. Co-ruled by Saturn and Uranus, Aquarius seeks individuality and carries a natural inner authority to handle solitude and release the need for approval or understanding.

Squaring off with the Full Moon is Jupiter in Taurus challenging yet also optimizing the overall potential of this lunar phase. Jupiter in Taurus desires stable relationships and predictable, steady, financial and material comfort which can feel limiting and stressful to Aquarius’s need for innovative change, personal freedom and charitable ideals. With the Full Moon bringing our attention to current needs for greater authenticity and emotional wellbeing, Jupiter’s square to the Moon can with intention provide a generous learning curve of continued growth and resources, by integrating what is proven and reliable with thinking outside the box, breaking old boundaries and claiming new territory.

Additionally, with the recent Venus in Leo retrograde and Pluto in Capricorn squaring the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra, old memories, personal patterns and relationships of all kinds, rise in our consciousness, for review. Helping us to see more clearly, this Super Moon intensifies awareness around our evolving emotional needs and the various areas of life, work and relationships that may need adjustments or closure if they no longer feel right for us. With this said, due to Venus retrograde, if possible, wait until after Venus stations direct on September 3, 2023 to formalize any major relationship or financial decisions.

How much do we give away or lose of ourselves, in trying to fit in or maintaining some aspect of life that is familiar yet just isn’t working for us anymore? During this powerful Super Full Moon, challenge the norms and expectations and release old patterns and perspectives that no longer align with your personal truth. Determine who you are apart from who you’ve been conditioned to be. Push your boundaries, embrace your individuality and claim the unique soul that you are and the life you are here to live. The more you are genuine, joyful and true to yourself, the more able you are to make a heartfelt, authentic and meaningful contribution to the world.

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Aquarius occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
