Full Moon in Cancer - December 26, 2023, 7:34 PM, EST

As we finish up this year in the sign of Capricorn, the last full moon of 2023 deepens our emotional awareness. Rising in the night sky, the illuminating light of the Full Moon in Cancer reveals our current mood and personal needs for connection and belonging, a sense of home and family that is heightened by this holiday season. Within this awareness we have come to a point where to continue our journey of soul growth, our heart needs to release old and limiting fears and open further to life.

The first water sign, Cancer, is ruled by the Moon increasing the sensitivity of this lunar phase where a gamut of emotions from tender love to feeling hurt or offended is possible.  Symbolized by the crab, that quickly retreats into the sand for safety, the sign of Cancer is naturally protective of self and others. And although a gentle sign, Cancer can be fierce especially in protecting loved ones…think of a parent defending their child. 

With archetypes of the mother and the healer, Cancer’s naturally nurturing energy is easily seen and felt. Along with the Sun in Capricorn this Moon phase brings greater awareness to the importance of balance between our need for home time and self-care with our responsibilities to loved ones, work or community.

Also, during this holiday season where time with family can be healing and joyful, if necessary deal honestly, yet sensitively with any family issues that may arise.

Jupiter in Taurus in harmony with this Full Moon brings a generous dose of optimism that lifts our spirits as well as steadies the emotional ups and downs of this Moon.  Saturn in Pisces supports this lunar phase with inspiration and a disciplined calling to trust intuition, get out of our own way and commit to compassionate release of old hurts and fears we are now strong enough to do.

Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Mars close by increases enthusiasm and personal drive to go back over certain aspects of your life, through a positive lens, including personal beliefs and values. Up to December 30th when Mercury stations direct, actively review and revise anything that needs an update to keep life interesting, expansive and moving you in the direction of your dreams.

The sign of Sagittarius is good at grasping broad concepts and expressed through Mercury, thoughts and communication can at times become overly confident and quickly assuming leading to misunderstandings or delays. With a focus on future growth aligned with personal needs, explore various ideas, keeping options and conversations open ended and adaptable until after December 30th before making any final decisions.

With Mars firing up Mercury, conversations can become heated with passion, fears or frustrations and expressed with a directness that can put you in over your head or be more hurtful than intended. With the sensitivity of this moon phase, be mindful of your intentions and desired outcome and with empathy, boldly hold space and set boundaries to honestly speak from your heart. 

During this Moon our emotional antenna reaches deep within our memory of past relationships and family dynamics helping us to understand more consciously the complex fabric of our subconscious motivations.

Reflect upon this past year; your efforts to heal and grow, face challenges, claim opportunities and achieve successes. Recognize you are not the person you were a year ago and during this Moon your awareness can help you take your next step of heart-based, evolution.

Especially for the sign of sensitive Cancer, there is wisdom in caution and discernment for living in the world. However, during this Full Moon we realize that to continue to evolve, we need to shed the protective shells that kept us safe and make a leap in our personal growth for greater joy and wellbeing.

Honor your feelings and carefully step more into your desires, vulnerable yet wise, ready to feel the world around you, to love more, hope more and dare to dream. To gently open your heart and embrace more of the many experiences that life has to offer.

Knowing where the New or Full Moon occurs in your birthchart is the best way to understand the effect of this phase personally. If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Cancer occurs in your birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

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Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
