Jupiter in Taurus Stations Direct - December 30, 2023

Since September 4, 2023, generously optimistic Jupiter, the planet of big dreams and faith in life has been retrograde giving us all ample time to go back over our desires for growth, security and abundance and the strengthen our skillset and strategies to accomplish these goals.

After this time of review and revise to further align your values with your vision for accomplishment and greater stability, when Jupiter stations direct on December 30, 2023, things that had slowed down, especially concerning resources will begin to open up and move forward. 

As momentum increases take the knowledge and confidence you gained and apply it to new opportunities that move you closer to realizing your greatest desires. In the sign of Taurus, the orientation is on growing and stabilizing your resources that include your inner world of relationships, skills and body wisdom and your outer world of material possessions and finances.

This is a favorable time to believe in yourself, to take calculated risks and do the work to claim your dreams, however, Jupiter’s positive nature can blind you to any bumps in the road. As you move into this phase of abundant growth and opportunity use intuition and discernment and be mindful of your decisions and actions.  Always with Jupiter, dare to dream but don’t assume.

If you are interested in knowing where Jupiter in Taurus stations direct in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth info. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth. 

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
