The Last Retrograde of Mercury in 2023! - December 13, 2023

On 12/13/23 Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde. When Mercury, the Messenger begins its backward motion it signals a time of increased introspection and reassessment. Of sharing information and having conversations and in Capricorn, those talks can take on a more realistic tone. Also, while in the sign of Capricorn this mental focus has a particular emphasis on structure and accomplishment and the importance of reviewing and revising any aspects of life associated with long-term goals, ambitions and career.

Also with Capricorn’s innate sense of discipline and responsibility use this time to go over and resolve any lingering issues or workload that have stalled or need attention. Communication and using your voice tends to be more serious and strategic, especially around meaningful plans for your future.

While in Capricorn, Mercury retrograde helps us to put thoughtful effort into the practical actions and structure needed to build a solid foundation for future success.

On 12/18/23 Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will be in a harmonious flow with Jupiter in Taurus creating an opportune day of abundance, information flow and thoughtful communication that can impact stability in love, comfort and finances.

On 12/21/23 Saturn in Pisces brings stimulating inspiration and intuition to Mercury in Capricorn’s careful review of strategies, long-term goals and future commitments. There is an opportunity however, be careful of over impulsiveness. Meditation can bring a more centered clarity to this time of reassessing and revising. 

Then on 12/23/23 Mercury’s backward motion leaves Capricorn and moves back into Sagittarius until 1/1/24 when Tr. Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius stations direct in Sagittarius, beginning it’s forward movement.

While in Sagittarius, Mercury retrograde takes on the fiery, freedom loving, questing nature of the Archer; enthusiastically ready to create movement, change up the routines and do something different, have an adventure and often one that brings greater understanding of the world. The exuberance of Sagittarius can create struggles with Mercury’s analytical mindset where quick decisions or impetuous communication clash and often create additional setbacks or dilemmas. Bring optimism to your conversations but also thoughtful awareness when you interact with others. 

Mercury retrograde while in Sagittarius does bring more energy to everything from clearing out old closets or files to organizing and creating strategies or goals for travel in your future. The thing to keep in mind with this increased energy is to also make the time to mentally go over actions and processes to make sure that speed isn’t leading to mishaps. With awareness you can accomplish a great deal of preparation for when Mercury stations direct on January 1st. This can include New Moon intentions as well as New Year resolutions. Review, remain flexible and review again.

In terms of adventures, it’s important to use wisdom, patience and double check everything from flight times to any sports gear or activities. Hasty decisions and movements especially in Sagittarius can bring unwanted consequences; so do be aware. The old adage, better safe than sorry is a good rule to follow here.

On a more philosophical note Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius is a good time to reflect upon your belief systems and personal values. With an open and curious mind, release the need for certainty and enjoy a reflective exploration of the world around you where you broaden your perspective on life.

On 12/27/23 Mars in Sagittarius tight with Mercury creates a strong push to take action and stand up for something or yourself, however, there will also be some mental fogginess that can lead to confusion. Take the time to reflect and reconsider anything you feel sure of. Sometimes what seems like a good thing may not be and vice versa, so wait it out until you gain greater clarity and if you can wait to make a full commitment until at least after 1/1/24 when Mercury retrograde stations direct, beginning it’s forward movement, do so.

If you are interested in knowing where Mercury in Capricorn stations retrograde in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
