Mars enters Gemini - August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023

Transiting Mars, the God of War, the planet of action, passion, sex, courage and boundary setting has been in the sign of Taurus since July 5, 2022. In that time we had the opportunity to slow down and stabilize what we began while Mars previously was in Aries. However, the cycles of astrological energy are always in motion and August 20th, Mars will enter into the sign of Gemini, activating, shifting and increasing possibilities. In general, things will begin to move faster, information will flow, changes will blow into your life and the need for increased communication, flexibility and an open mind is called for.

This is no regular 6 week Mars transit though; every 2 years Mars stations retrograde increasing the length of the transit. Due to this retrograde phase beginning in the later degrees of Gemini, Mars will be in Gemini for a total of 7 months and 5 days. The pre-shadow begins end of September 2022 with the retrograde phase beginning October 30, 2022. Mars will station direct on January 12, 2023 with the post-shadow phase until end of January 2023.

Mars in Gemini can help us to multi-task day to day with greater efficiency as well as give us the extra push to accomplish bigger things. To start that podcast, have that heart to heart talk, plan a vacation, apply for that new position, sign up for a retreat or begin the outline for the book you’ve had in the back of your mind. The possibilities are endless.

Mars is the warrior, the assertive one and wherever Mars moves through your birthchart is an area of life that receives a cosmic push to do something, to make something happen. To charge after a goal or desired opportunity. There may be the need to courageously set boundaries, defending yourself or others. Mars also is part of how we deal with and express frustration, fear and anger and in Gemini, words can be used as a weapon. Be aware of this potential and use words and actions with awareness for the best possible outcome you desire.  

Mars is the passionate lover and in Gemini, curiosity and conversation can turn to romantic entanglements that may take off quickly but will slow down during the retrograde phase giving you a chance to deepen the connection. With new relationships that feel promising, remain open, communicate and keep the flow going, but wait until the retrograde phase is past before making any hasty decisions or commitments.

This transit and retrograde will impact everyone, but especially those with any points or personal planets in Gemini. To highlight the sun signs more directly affected: those with the Sun in Gemini get a charged cosmic download of increased energy and drive that will impact your personal sense of self and vitality.  Sagittarius, Virgo and Pisces can experience a learning curve that can challenge yet compel growth. Libra and Aquarius can experience supportive opportunities that could be overlooked and Leo and Aries can feel a stimulating jolt that can be exciting but also create too much impulsiveness.

Overall, this is an active period individually and collectively. Be wary of absolutes because during this long transit and retrograde minds and direction can change. Stay flexible and learn to adapt. Stay alert as the rug could be pulled. A mutable air sign that on its own can hesitate to commit, Gemini’s fluctuating energy more easily aligns with waiting until Mars stations direct to fully decide or move forward on any important decision.  

Other potential problems to remain aware of are issues or threats in communication such as cyber security attacks, email or online scams of any kind. Don’t share personal information unless you’re absolutely sure it is legit.

With all of this dynamic energy and movement, it is easy to be pulled in too many directions, becoming scattered, distracted and overwhelmed. During this long run of increased activity, consciously set aside time to gather your thoughts and re-center yourself in whatever way works for you best

All retrogrades can feel challenging and this one will as well. To a certain degree the ability to assert ourselves, set boundaries and actively feel as effective will slow down, yet there is always a gift available in a deliberate review of where we’ve been.  During this retrograde go back over the recent changing circumstances or events, and evaluate what you can do to make adjustment or improvements as well as what is working well. With this clarity you are more able to take right action, especially when Mars in Gemini stations direct January 12, 2023.

During this long Mars in Gemini transit, stay curious and remain open minded. Read, learn something new, ask questions, compare ideas, brainstorm, and actively communicate actively LISTEN in ways that requires facing fears and finding your courage. Tell your story and share what you’re passionate about and hold space for others to do the same. Embrace change but keep your center and trust that when you participate in this transit of Mars in Gemini you will have opened up to some shift in perspective that can support personal growth and enhance you and your life.

If you are interested in knowing where this 7 month transit of Mars in Gemini occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings!
