New Moon in Cancer - June 28, 2022, 10:52 PM, EDT

As we begin summer with the first New Moon in Cancer, the empathetic, nurturing qualities of this first water sign are exceptionally strong. Cancer’s natural orientation to home and family (or those who feel like family) is the basis for a sense of personal safety, security and belonging. Activating our inner life this New Moon increases emotional sensitivity, intuition and takes us into the heart of our vulnerabilities and personal desires as it signals us to mindfully open our heart to life and initiate new levels of happiness.

Magnifying hope, fear and courage, the gutsy energy of Jupiter in Aries challenges the New Moon’s gentle reflective nature in an exact square. Make time for needed self-care and trust the wisdom in your heart and instincts. Look for growth opportunities that help you break free of limiting fears and become the passionate architect of your own happiness.

Also on the 28th Neptune in Pisces stations retrograde. The first day of any retrograde phase holds the greatest impact and this station will powerfully accentuate the receptive water energy of this Moon as well as wash away any fog of illusion. While retrograde we are called to review where Neptune previously traveled; going back over and seeing ourselves, others and our lives more clearly, helping us understand the how and why of our current circumstances. Pay attention to psychic impressions, higher guidance and creative inspiration and look to the house and any natal planetary aspects in the birthchart for personal insights.

In the cosmic background pressure builds underlining this New Moon as Mars in Aries forms a square with Pluto in Capricorn requiring attention and fearless honesty. What truly matters to you? What do you really want? Are your current intentions and actions moving you in the direction of achieving the goals you feel deeply called to? If not, what needs to change and how much courage and commitment will it require for your most meaningful end result?This square is deeply motivating for a short period of time while Mars is in aspect to Pluto. Fears and frustration can flare up and self-awareness is important to guide and manage this peak of power for your best outcome.

As we view all that is occurring in the world, the collective heart and soul of humanity is being tested, in various ways depending on who we are and where we live. And yet, we keep going. The cycles in astrology including the Moon asks us questions and provides guidance throughout our lives and history and it’s up to us how we respond.

The Moon in Cancer is naturally oriented to staying safe and can be fearful of embracing the richness of life, becoming so protective of self or others that only a portion of life is lived. The message and the question of this Moon phase is, with care, can we open ourselves up, honor our vulnerabilities as pathways for growth and nurture new intentions for a life more courageously, more vibrantly lived?

This New Moon calls you home to your heart, to plant the seeds for new and meaningful growth; that nourishes your soul, elevates your happiness and feeds your faith in life.

If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Cancer occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
