Photo by nousnou iwasaki on Unsplash
In the aftermath of two rather intense eclipses and seeing some light at the end of the chaotic yet useful tunnel of Mercury retrograde, we are now in Gemini season where change is in the air. Giving us an emotional cue is the New Moon in Gemini, opening our heart and mind to set intentions with a fresh perspective that feels different, that motivates us to explore new ideas and options.
During the New Moon phase, the Sun and Moon come together in an exact conjunction, the fusion of head and heart on the same page and ready to let go of what was and set new intentions that move you forward in some way. In the sign of Gemini, thought, language and perception are key to understanding the always moving energy of this curious air sign.
Gemini, a mutable air energy is symbolized by the Twins; communicative, quick and busy, questioning and comparing a variety of information, ideas and experiences. Capable and flexible, Gemini can take on too much, becoming scattered and overwhelmed, resulting in emotional and mental burnout. Seeking an open mind, Gemini is attuned to the flow of life; where one thing leads to the next, which often is the better choice.
Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini and the New Moon and is close to finishing up its retrograde phase in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. Old ideas and fear of change concerning love, resources and security become a topic of conversation that feels difficult yet compels us to take a hard look at our sustained effort and discipline (or lack of) to achieving what is true and right for each of us.
At the same time, Mercury also forms a trine with Pluto in Capricorn, which is also retrograde. This aspect between these two planets activates deep thought, psychological probing and honest conversations where we go back over our thoughts, feelings and serious intentions concerning love, stability and our personal resources. Enhancing the retrograde process, this aspect enables us to more calmly own the ways we’ve fallen short as well as strengthen and align our use of personal power towards reaching our most meaning “work” or accomplishments.
In a triple sextile, the Moon in Gemini offers new viewpoints to Chiron, Mars and Jupiter all in the sign of Aries. As we seek new solutions to where we’ve been or our current circumstances, the inventive energy of Gemini leads us to courageously face fears and take action that open doors, feeds dreams and facilitates healing. This can feel exciting and stimulating, but be careful of becoming impulsive and making iron clad changes or commitments. Remember that Mercury is still retrograde until June 3, 2022.
This New Moon in Gemini asks us to keep our mind open and shift our perspective. To use our voice and share from our heart in a way that creates greater understanding and touches others. To make different choices creating a future with new possibilities and a more evolved outcome.
The one constant in life is change. It’s time to shake things up a bit and actively participate through our New Moon intentions in the larger cosmic field of astrological shifts and changes that are happening in the world. It’s time to let go of certainty and open up to the unexpected.
If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon in Gemini falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.
Be Well ~ Be Love
Many Blessings,