Full Moon in Virgo - March 18, 2022, 3:17 AM EDT

As we move through the last days of Pisces towards the Equinox and the beginning of the astrological New Year, Pisces energy is ample and active as the Sun and Moon align in exact opposition, creating the Full Moon in Virgo. As the light of this Moon rises in the sky a growing feeling of discontent fills our heart with an awareness that something within us or in our lives needs adjustment or improvement and fuels us with the desire, vision and emotional fortitude to make it a reality.

Virgo is the mutable practical earth sign, a symbol of purity, unbound, free and a seeker of perfection. Ruled by Mercury, critical thinking is necessary as Virgo analyzes and crafts meticulous blueprints for self-improvement including competent meaningful skills that serve the world around them.

Opposite the Moon, the Sun in Pisces is the mutable intuitive water sign, spiritual, creative and full of grace. Co-ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, Pisces infinite celestial connection to all that is seeks consciousness itself.

The strongest aspect during this lunar phase is Neptune in Pisces conjunct the Sun in opposition to the Moon. This opposition along with Jupiter and Mercury both close by in Pisces expands the dreamy and optimistic energy field flowing into this Moon phase. This vast sensory openness increases intuition, compassion, tenderness and creativity, as well as blur our vision of reality which can lead to confusion, delusion and misguided decisions. Meditation can be as valuable as organizing detailed lists and strategies during this Full Moon.

In addition, as the Moon makes a trine with Pluto in goal oriented Capricorn, Pluto’s supportive input compels us to face some shadow aspect within ourselves or our lives. With emotional clarity and wisdom, this is an important time to make necessary, pragmatic, yet soul supporting changes or adjustments that can create meaningful breakthroughs, healing and transformation. 

This Full Moon in Virgo calls us to work on ourselves. With a built in ability of seeing what is and then with intention, what could be, Virgo’s discerning focus on important aspects of our lives including health, relationships and career can initiate the clearing out or revision of old destructive choices or behaviors.

Examine the ways you may tear yourself down that undermine your personal growth, goals and confidence. With heartfelt honesty, be gentle with yourself and work with self-acceptance and self-love practices to release the negative inner voices that tear you down preventing you from being all you desire to be. 

When we strive for excellence and apply earnest effort into self-development, competency and meaningful skills and passions we not only lift up our own lives, increasing personal power, happiness and wellbeing, but we raise our potential to do work that matters, that makes a difference in the lives of others.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Aries falls in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
