Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius - May 23, 2021

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On May 23rd, transiting Saturn stationed retrograde until October 11th  Saturn is the planet of maturity and reality bringing us lessons; that if roll up our sleeves and meet the challenges with discipline and perseverance we become stronger, wiser and more mature. 

When the ringed planet begins its backward motion we enter a serious period of reflection on how well we have handled our responsibilities to ourselves and others, especially over the previous 12 months.  We have a chance to go back over what we are working on, to name any barriers that may trip us up and make any corrections to re-align our efforts and course as best we can with who we genuinely are. This is especially important as Saturn is in Aquarius and asks important questions: how authentic are your goals?  Can you release approval from others and apply yourself (even for a % of your time) to your aspirations?  

During the next 4.5 months we are called to review our circumstances, make adjustments and strengthen our focus and commitment to make real something that matters to us.

Saturn retrograde is a phase to re-fortify yourself and your intentions in preparation for when Saturn stations direct in October, moving you forward with greater stability into the life and future you truly desire.