Uranus in Taurus Stations Direct - January 27, 2024

Uranus called the “Great Awakener” is the planet that represents the process of individuation. Creating disruption and changes within ourselves as well as daily life that can feel destabilizing, Uranus’s active energy makes space for something new, more authentic and reflects our individuality as well as larger values in connection to the collective consciousness. And once again, the cosmic wheels are turning and Uranus is beginning another phase of forward movement.

Since late 2018, Uranus has been traveling through the sign of Taurus, changing the ways we view and create stability in our world and in looking back, it has been quite a dramatic ride overall. Since August 28, 2023 while Uranus was retrograde we had the opportunity to go back over our lives, where we have been true to ourselves and where and how we have gone off course. Looking at our motivations and our sense of personal fulfillment became a focus, helping us to gain clarity and begin to restructure our plans and re-center ourselves to get back on track with what we know we’re here to do.

When Uranus stations direct, things do begin to move. In the sign of Taurus, a sign known for finding comfort in consistency and stability, there can be resistance to change. However, change is necessary at times to keep life flowing. Life can feel unpredictable and changes and the need for thoughtful adjustments arise. The urge to claim your personal truth becomes more compelling, especially as transiting Pluto just days ago re-entered Aquarius, the sign that is ruled by Uranus and Saturn. Claiming our unique essence is on the forefront and this is not a quick or simple process; it is a life long journey with special times of accelerated growth, which we are in now.

With Taurus, the sign associated with living through the senses as well as calm, ease and security, often found through material means, expect some level of impact within the realm of finances, personal possessions and inner skills. Allow for personal breakthroughs and discovering what you truly desire or need that feels right for you, regardless of the opinions of others. Embrace your truth, yourself, your dream. Look for opportunities that help to grow your abilities, strengthen your body and supports and steadies you as you navigate your personal evolution in a changing world.