Full Moon in Virgo - March 7, 2023, 8:40 AM, EST

With the Sun in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac and the end of the solar cycle, we are called to consciously open to inspired visions, divine guidance and sacred surrender. Adding intensity to this gentle season the Moon in Virgo in perfect opposition to the Sun creates awareness and needed balance between our inner and outer worlds. Bringing us to a peak of readiness to face what is out of alignment, the Full Moon in Virgo’s bright light brings clarity, decisiveness and heart felt discernment to ourselves and an area of life that needs honest assessment and improvement.

Adding cosmic impact to this lunar phase, is Saturn entering the sign of Pisces the same day as this Full Moon. The planet of reality and self-discipline, Saturn in Pisces requires serious attention and devotion to our spiritual life including the cultivation of compassion.

Increasing the psychic sensitivity of this Moon are Saturn, Neptune and Mercury, all in Pisces surrounding the Sun. In opposition to this stellium of Pisces energy, the Moon in Virgo is the emotional outlet and physical expression of our heart’s desire to gather up and organize all of these dreamy creative visions, compassionate conversations, inspired strategies and intuitive insights, and make good use of them that benefits someone or something.

Look for unexpected opportunities during this Moon phase due to a trine with Uranus in Taurus. Challenging Taurus’s need for overall security including material and financial, Uranus continues to push us out of our comfort zone. However, changes that disrupt our beliefs, circumstances or day to day habits creates space for new and authentic possibilities. This aspect can generate breakthroughs in relationships, health routines, money, personal skills and confidence that result in an elevated perspective where finding ingenious solutions to old problems becomes possible.

Additionally, in a challenging square to the Moon, Mars in Gemini stresses a need to remain open minded, courageous and activate healthy boundaries at the communication table. Share ideas and feelings with the intention of creating greater understanding and thoughtful decision making about what comes next. Be careful of going off in too many directions, excessive criticism or disruptive misplaced anger that upends the Moon in Virgo’s need for constructive order and purposeful planning.

Lastly, in the background is a triple conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Venus all in Aries. This aspect indicates an opportunity is available during this lunar phase for healing old pain or fears, especially when love is involved.

With Pluto’s first entry into Aquarius on March 23rd, and Saturn entering Pisces on the Full Moon, monumental change is on the horizon and this Virgo Moon’s message is preparation that matters; through agency, attending to details and getting things in order. To recognize and release patterns of harsh, damaging judgement, apathy or escapism that limits us and commit to mindful lessons of compassion for ourselves, others and circumstances.

As our consciousness is attuned to both our spiritual and physical realms, this Full Moon calls us to activate the pure intention of Virgo’s astrological drive which is the continual striving for perfection; to take personally meaningful knowledge and skill to the highest degree of precision and excellence possible and serve a need with it.

If you are interested in knowing where the Full Moon in Virgo occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings, 
