New Moon in Pisces, February 20, 2023, 2:06 AM, EST

Two days into Pisces season, the last of the astrological year, lovely Luna enters Pisces catching up with the Sun in a New Moon embrace, and signals a time of personal renewal. Calling us to look deep within, explore our emotions and trust our intuition, the New Moon in Pisces guides us to dream into being a new and more authentic vision for our future happiness and fulfilment.

Compassionate, creative, romantic and extrasensory, Pisces innate connection to the spiritual and physical realms is symbolized by two fish connected while swimming in opposite directions. This mystical sign that naturally seeks higher consciousness, benefits from intentional spiritual practice to provide personal grounding and successfully navigate the day to day practical world.

For over two years now, we have all been under the tutelage of Saturn in Aquarius with lessons that have pushed us and at times, tirelessly to cultivate our uniqueness, and has emboldened us to forge a more personally fitting life. Two weeks away from entering Pisces on March 7, 2023, Saturn in the last degrees of Aquarius is a strong presence in a close but out of sign conjunction with the New Moon in Pisces. With a serious message of dedication to our personal truth as well as humanitarian concerns, Saturn’s disciplined and mature essence provides clarity and strategy to the wide open desires and dreams of this Moon phase.

The ruler of this Moon is Neptune also in Pisces and sitting next to Venus in the last degree of Pisces where compassionate love of the highest kind is inspired, personally or collectively. Do take note that although enchanting, this aspect can lead to confusion and or deception for Neptune and Pisces energy can easily lose sight of what is real and what isn’t, especially with love, desire and money.

Intensifying this tender union is Pluto in the last degree of Capricorn in a powerful and stimulating sextile with Venus. Use awareness as this aspect can offer support for more meaningful personal connections and elevated ambitions but also become a compelling impulsiveness that may lack integrity or misuse authority.

During the dark night sky when the Moon is not visible from Earth, the New Moon lunar cycle calls us deep within ourselves, to hear the whispers of our soul and discover what gives us “heart” to stay on course with our lives. Ritual with water, or any creative or spiritual practices, especially meditation can strengthen the potency of this lunar phase. In quiet reflection, breathe, and allow yourself to swim in the vastness of your imagination where dreams live and create a vision of life that you want to experience.

All-inclusive by nature and Inspired by higher guidance, compassionate love and relationships, this New Moon in Pisces holds the seeds for a more innovative, humane and divinely determined future; a new beginning where grace flows increasing your connection to the world within you and the world around you.

If you are interested in knowing where the New Moon in Pisces occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best) and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings,
