Pluto Enters Aquarius - March 23, 2023

There will be many significant astrological shifts this year but none so profound or long lasting as the upcoming transit of Pluto moving into the sign of Aquarius. Last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1797, a time that held the American and French Revolution, Pluto in Aquarius compels radical change that is lasting. During this evolutionary cycle individually and collectively, ground breaking shifts will occur in all areas of life and notably in technology, societal mores, resources and politics. All of the most pressing human and worldly issues that have been ignored, held back or delayed will be at the forefront with younger generations at the helm. With a 248 year cycle, no one alive today has experienced the enormous shift a Pluto in Aquarius transit will bring. It’s going to be a very powerful, interesting and transformative time!

This first entry of Pluto in Aquarius from March 3, 2023 to June 10, 2023, will be a significant indicator of revolutionary shifts during this long cycle. With two retrograde phases back into Capricorn, Pluto fully enters Aquarius on November 19, 2024 for 20 years until 2044.

The planet of transformation, Pluto represents the cycle of death and rebirth. Pluto’s action is deep, probing and psychological. Aimed at pulling up from the depths what is wounded and hidden Pluto in Aquarius will reveal the dark side of many of the advancements and changes that will occur. However, it is very important to remember that also available is the high vibration or calling of Pluto in bringing the shadow into the light to facilitate deeper self-awareness, release and radical honesty that can promote healing. With that healing is where we all individually and collectively can reach for something greater within that can bring more meaningful purpose and value not only to ourselves and our lives but to the world.

Aquarius is progressive and the sign of individuality. Freedom filled, and inventive, Aquarius pushes the boundaries of what has been, in the ongoing process of seeking greater authenticity. The zodiac sign that under certain circumstances needs to release approval from others and regardless of controversy or objection, if necessary become the exile to remain true to themselves. And oddly enough, with the need to at times stand alone in their truth to remain authentic, Aquarius also naturally aligns with greater community and humanitarian causes they find important.

Pluto in Aquarius will have a powerful and profound impact on your life in a vastly different manner than while Pluto was in Capricorn. In Capricorn, Pluto called to the table our self-discipline, responsibility and commitment to not only reach for meaningful accomplishment or what we consider our “great work” but be guided by integrity in all aspects of our lives, and the consequences when ethical principles were absent.. This idea seen through the collective lens, brought to the surface the shadow of governments, long standing traditional institutions and powerful leaders. Many of the human travesties over the past two and half centuries have come to light where responsibility is needed and reparations are being considered. What was once considered foundational and forever is changing and Pluto in Aquarius will increase many of these changes greatly.

In Aquarius, Pluto reveals where and how we aren’t being true to who we are as well as the potential with radical honesty to release what holds us back from being ourselves and claim personal power to evolve. It will be a time to question the status quo, break through old and limiting beliefs and boundaries and learn on a deeper level about who you are now and are truly becoming as well as the consequences of folding under pressure from others and losing yourself.  Pluto’s power compels you to claim your agency, embrace your uniqueness and stand up to expectations of others that only undermine you, holding you back from living the life you know you are here to live. This does not mean insensitivity to others, especially those you love and that love you. It means to stand in your truth, resolute in strength and love. Do remember, that this will be a long and slow and thorough process with times of breakthroughs or advancements.

We all have been under the influence of Aquarian energy since December 21, 2020, when the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius occurred, giving us a collective cosmic signal to take big dreams and bring them into form and function. This every 20 year event offered us an opportunity to claim greater individuality through wisdom and discipline effort. Jupiter left Aquarius almost 2 years ago and Saturn will be leaving Aquarius on March 3, 2023 right before Pluto’s grand entrance.  I believe most of us can agree it has been a time where growth and individuality has been highly motivating.  

Now with Pluto entering Aquarius on the heels of Saturn’s serious guidance, the strides we have all made, big or small in cultivating our individuality will continue to evolve through a deep, slow and thorough life changing process. Within an individual birthchart, the house (an area of inner/outer life) that Pluto moves through will be transformed through Aquarian vibrations as well as any planets (representing parts of the psyche) in aspect to this transit.  

Due to the long term, profound life changing impact of this once in your life time transit, I am offering a special insight reading of transiting Pluto in Aquarius in your birthchart, identifying the house and any aspects to natal planets or points in your chart as Pluto changes signs. This specialized reading will provide a broad overview and understanding of Pluto’s potential for you during this cycle.

If interested, please click this link to submit your birth information to set up your reading. Pluto Insight Reading

Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to working with you! 

Be Well ~ Be Love 

Many Blessings,  
